Jeremy Alexander

You do realize it’s 2018 and there are probably a few hundred Let’s Plays of every game released, right? And aside from a slightly slower pace, I don’t see how the combat is that different from X-Com. But opinions and all that. I would suggest next time doing a little research into a game before dropping the money and

The explanation was bullshit. Just because it’s there doesn’t make it right. And you have to love the irony of a white British woman explaining how minorities in America feel and explaining racism to us. Anyone that thinks white people can’t face slavery, genocide, wars of conquest and racism is ignorant of history

Those are racist tweets. If you want to know if a tweet is racist, apply it to someone else. Imagine if those tweets were about African Americans or Asians. Would you be defending her then? No, you’d be calling for her job and secretly wishing worse. Why should any racism against whites be acceptable? Because in a

Like somebody dumb enough to write that post even knows anything about New York anyway.

It didn’t take long for the dumb posts to start. What does being a New Yorker have to do with anything? And as tiring as it is to write this for the 10,000th time, all caps doesn’t get you noticed, it makes you look like a mental patient.

The stunt work he does is always amazing, but MI:F was a terrible movie full of every action cliche they could fit into it from chases that are second rate even to older films like the Bourne Identity to the, sigh, bomb defusing scene that goes down to the last second and then insults us with a moment of white

“No more real than anime”? Wow, you really do live in lala land. I can’t tell the difference between the real and photoshopped pics above and they certainly don’t look any less attractive, and they aren’t selling anything fake. They were born beautiful and they take advantage of that while they can. Don’t be jealous

This is just more misogynistic cat fighting and jealousy. The sexist men that trained you to act like this must be proud. I have sobering news for all the women out there that want to scream to the heavens about these women being photoshopped. We know. And we also know that they are among the worlds most beautiful

I’m sorry, but Nick Valentine makes no sense as a character any more than the Institute does in any way. What is the Institute’s point? I run it and I don’t know. If aware synths are an issue, then stop making them aware. If their supposed to be labor then why give them thoughts and feelings? If they are meant to

So we’re coming to conclusions on a game nobody has spent one minute playing? GO INTERNETS!

Um, the problem with the article is that this isn’t part of any series. It’s a spin off game, not Fallout 5. It would be like saying Fallout Tactics was turning the series into a strategy game. Fallout Tactics was excellent turn based strategy btw, for anyone that hasn’t tried it.

No carbs for a human body is like no gas for a car. It’s fucking retarded, is what I’m trying to say. Eat carbs and get exercise, you fat lazy land whale scum. Obesity is something to overcome, not embrace, you ugly twats.

All monarchs should have their heads chopped off. They are the ultimate welfare trash and they serve no purpose in civilized society. OFF WITH THEIR HEADS.

It’s about time. Now give us Spelljammer, and Dark Sun again.

Interesting, didn’t this web site post an article a couple weeks ago titled “All white people are cowards” where the author said that he used to think all white people were just evil?

I never understood the whole hanging out with your exe’s thing. I don’t mean you have to hate or shun them, but I gave it a shot with you and it didn’t work out. I can’t imagine why a relationship of any kind would continue and you know it could harm future relationships. I had one ex that I had a really great time

If I was at a BBQ and someone left 50,000 dollars worth of jewelry lying around, I’d take it just to punish them for being that fucking stupid.

It made me wonder if the Butler and Irving in Chicago rumors might be true.

What a second, are you telling me that the guy caught on camera sexually assaulting a woman might not be the best guy? Sure, whatever bud, and next your probably going to tell me that Russians cheat in the Olympics. Whatevers, bro!

Yeah, but in fairness she’ll make you cum, the plastic crap will just gather dust.