Jeremy Alexander

There was no harassment. She posted a long thread about game design on Twitter, which is a public forum, not a private account. Twitter is literally for tweeting your thoughts to the public and once you do that, claims to privacy are a joke. Then someone replied with a differing opinion in what might be the most

I have no problem with the role playing a bad guy and destroying bases part, but the sexist shit has no place. Hopefully he can be banned from the game. If you don’t like playing with others, don’t expect others to want to play with you. Also, as AlwaysWrong already wrote, role playing is consensual and he clearly

He should have his account permabanned, but he won’t. The PUBG developers should have better security measures, but they won’t. And this isn’t unique to PUBG, I’ve experienced the same thing in Fortnite over the last couple weeks. People still sink millions into GTA Online and they barely even attempt to stop hackers

More excuses. Russia was dominated for centuries by Asian Mongol Kingdoms and Muslim invaders. African and Middle Eastern Muslims invaded and occupied vast areas of Europe from Spain to the Balkans for centuries committing every atrocity imaginable. Do you ever hear someone in Spain blame Islam for their economy? Do

If you were Aussie, you’d know. That’s how we get the creative juices flowing. Anytime I see a mate down on life, I give him or her a swift knock in the teeth and 2 years later they’re thanking me at awards shows. SO take my advice and if you see a random stranger that looks down or depressed, punch em’ right in the

I’m a little younger, I turn 40 this year, but I think that our problem may have been very unique. Our parents grew up in post WW2 America, which is historically unique in human history. The prosperity and influence enjoyed by Americans in that time will likely never be repeated, nor will the social structure. Of

One of the biggest mistakes growing up was assuming that because my parents had some success that what they said about how I should live my life was gospel. What I learned far too late was that they had what little extra they had because of the changes in real estate from the late 70's to the early 90's. They bought a

Then she’s free to leave the group. She’s not free to make choices for other people. I could see it being uncomfortable too, but it would still be non of my business and my problem only.

You don’t get it. It doesn’t matter what she wants. They’re adults and can do as they please. If she doesn’t like it, then she’s the one that has to decide what she wants her place in the group to be. Relationships constantly change. Nothing ever stays the same in any human relationship. If the group dynamic has

There has to be an obsessive element to this as well. I noticed he kept talking about being immersed in the moment and I think of an old roommate of mine that would get obsessed with something to the point that it became his lifestyle. First it was martial arts, then it was in line skating, then it was skateboarding,

Civilization has had it’s massive ups and downs, but nothing Firaxis or Sid has ever done has been this successful both at it’s historical nature and as a game. this is the only game I’ve ever played that made trade sensible, realistic, and actually fun. It’s a game everyone should play and the pixel graphics are

It’s simply no contest. Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas. Nothing caps off the adventures in an incredible world like learning how your actions affected the places and people you encountered both at the time and into the future. I’ve never seen it done better before, or since.

The critics said a lot of stupid things about Rogue One and Solo and they were mostly wrong. Easily the two best Star Wars films since The Empire Strikes Back and I don’t think it’s even close.

I don’t get the lack of interest for the anthology films. They’re miles better than E7 and E8. Rogue One and Solo are now my favorite 2 Star Wars films after Empire Strikes Back and I’ve seen them all when they released in the theaters. E8 was an awful script with a boring plot and I even liked what they did with

I’m a Bulls fan and they’re rebuilding so I don’t have a dog in this fight, but I’ll tell you something. If I’m Kevin Love, I’m burning the nearest LeBron jersey. That guy got suckered into a long term deal in Cleveland because James told him they would team up and win rings there and Love did his part, for the most

No they can’t. They couldn’t get out of the first round, Parker won’t be there and he wasn’t enough when he was, and Milwaukee can’t attract free agents because the city’s a shithole, and yes I know that because I lived there for 6 awful years for my job. Giannis will leave the Bucks the minute his contract is up

Set the one block game in a dystopian future where you need to keep an eye on everyone in the block for the state and figure out who is working against the state, or have the option to be the rebel trying to operate on the block without being caught. The replay would be being assigned to different blocks to tackle

As opposed to all those brave and honorable black men that are out there every day being upstanding citizens, good fathers and husbands, and fighting the good f.......oh, wait. That’s right, you’re societies burden. And we’re not evil or cowards. We didn’t do anything every other people on the planet didn’t do, we

I used to feel that way until I read a friends suicide note. Don’t blame them. It’s like blaming someone for dying of cancer. Disease can destroy a soul.

I’ve played all the Fallout games on release and Fallout NV is my favorite of the modern games. It holds up just fine today, but if you take the time to learn how to mod it, it can look and play like a current gen title easily. If you like Fallout, don’t miss out on it, it’s the best story, the best actual role