Jeremy Alexander

I grew up with Atari, Colecovision, and the the first NES, but I got my first computer around the time Ultima 3 came out for PC and I never looked back. It’s odd that you say you play from a computer desk instead of a sofa. I’ve been PC gaming from the comfort of my sofa for over a decade now. I hooked my PC up to my

I had no problem with it. I thought it was clever and it made sense. It was the officer being dismissive of a orphan the likes of which he’s probably seen a million of and yet Han takes it and makes it his own. Also they asked about his people because I believe in the lore, Corellians don’t just have last names, they

I really enjoyed it. I liked it far more than E8 and a little more than E7, although I still think Rogue One is the best of the new Star Wars films. I honestly don’t get the hate for Solo and I’m brutally critical. It did, as did Rogue One, something the new main movies didn’t, it showed us new things, new characters,

I think your comment is the only thing here lacking intelligence. The assumption that someone is dim because they participate in a sport is not only monumentally ignorant, it also happens to be incorrect. People that participate in athletic activity almost always do better scholastically. But please, tell me again

WOW, jealous much? So the guy is good looking, so what? Your calling him dim and you are writing an article about the color of a swimmers hair? At best that makes you a bully, at worst it makes you a lousy writer.

That’s funny. For a few years I owned a sushi bar in Sheboygan, WI called Katana and we displayed the swords as well. This isn’t a new concept.

Gosh I love racists with an undeserved sense of superiority. If I were European and looked at my place in the world and the endless savagery, terror, genocide, ethnic cleansing, slavery, imperial brutality, and awful food that I spread throughout the world for centuries upon centuries, I don't think I would be

Too bad there are not any hackers willing to expose the names, addresses, phone numbers, and account info of the people that do the harassing.

I don't care if they love me or respect me. If they make games that work and games that I want to play, I will buy them. I'm confused by the whole concept. I never, not once in my life, thought I was of some value to a company beyond my money anyway. I just expect a product that works and if it does not work to get

They pretty much said Warcraft IV ain't gonna happen and if it does, they are not even thinking about it now so it would be many many years.

Most of the mods for Bethesda games rely on how much video memory you have. I had a 1GB card in my old machine and could not do too much graphics wise, but I recently purchased a new system with a 4GB card and currently run just under 200 mods with HD texture replacers, SMIM, RealVision ENB, etc.. and it runs smooth

It's funny for me to be reading this article now. I just started a massively modded run of Skyrim this evening. I told myself I would take my time, try not to fast travel unless it would just be a ridiculous time waster not to, and let the game just kind of unfold. I have played around 200ish hours of Skyrim and I am

You said "trying to tap it".

Thanks for writing this, I have severe color blindness and many games are hard for me as well. I actually worked on Wizardry 8, Alexander is not my real last name (it is the long Russian one in the credits), and got them to fix some of the radar and map markings for color blind people because I could not tell the

I just saw T4 a couple days ago, because hey, when you hate the first 3 of something, make sure you catch the fourth. Awful acting, awful story, the whole dinobots showing up for some reason I still don't understand, stereotype voice acting that nobody can possibly like,etc. Even the action just becomes a blur of

World of Warcraft. Our asses are now 39.5% higher and tighter.

I stole NOTHING! Simple convergence of like minded genius. I'm poor, don't lawyer up on me.

Finally an honest answer.

I don't know if it helps my sweet, but it answers the question.

I don't get it commie. Is that some kind of bubble kid fancy Harvard talk? Can you people ever just answer the question with confusions?