
I wouldn't be upset at Wash's death as much if he had died during the Reaver siege a few scenes later. At least then his would have had a point.

Futurama: warning any episodes that revolve around fry's family (including pet & wife) may result in you crying like a bitch.

OK, that wraps it up for me — I've been typing furiously for an hour. Apologies to those whose questions I did not get to, there were others that were good and that I wanted to answer.

Thanks for having me Ria and io9.

So I'm going to see "Gravity" again this weekend, who's with me?

On any of the projects you've worked on, has there ever been a scene or shot that you were adamantly opposed to from a scientific standpoint that the director simply wouldn't budge on? If so, what was the most irksome?

It's not the character per se that I hated, but the story arc that the writers took her down. (One of the best lines in the whole damn show was "I just joined up to pay for dental school"). By the time the writers finished with her, she was a shell of the person we met in the first three seasons. (The same could be

Fuck this overhyped show and all it's stereotyped characters.

If you guys liked that check this out, experimental color photos from Russia from 100 years ago:

Have we all forgotten that Lucas once said there were three trilogies? I'm sure he has.

Actually, it was supposed to change everything and it did. The whole point of the is it Harry/is it Neville plotline was the importance of human action (choice) over fate. Voldemort didn't have to act on the prophecy. If he'd never acted on it, it would never have been fulfilled. He could have chosen Neville, but he

Real Life case: Gus Grissom.

My marketing background wants to call this thing The Uns-table. :-P

Special ops? High risk rescue missions? Espionage? Intelligence? Section 31? Worf gets to be right because he's captain? SIGN ME UP NOW.

To each its own, I suppose, but I find Brave incredibly terrific!

Now playing

If JJ needs a video to tell him how to make Star Wars not suck, he should be watching the Plinkett Star Wars Reviews done by Red Letter Media.

Gotta say, EVE has some terrible designs when compared to everyone else. I guess visuals aren't really that important anyways when playing Excel... and all of the Warhammer ones look the same.

Which is exactly why the USA has the fewest shoot-outs per capita... Oh hang on.

I'm in favor of this idea! It would work better in a parliamentary system than in the US though. A party like this has a very narrow platform. It's not broad enough to ever garner enough popular appeal to make any traction in a two party system winner take all format.

I was always hoping the continuation of Firefly wouldn't consider the movie canon, since killing off Walsh was a typical movie cliche, where at least one main character needs to die for the stakes to be real.

-Could they be the Polish Knight Fighting League?

It’s not like Luke is the last potential Jedi in the universe or anything OH WAIT YES HE IS.