
This place called Zhangye Danxia in China

...you are worried that superblood and intragalactic transporters will break down a universe with multiple time travel events?

I mean, I totally agree, the superblood and the transporter are complete rubbish. But it's hard to 'break' a universe that's already broken.

I would argue that all of those guys (except Bond) are just Sean Connery and that Connery himself is the Iconic character.

The traditional physicist response method:

"Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space." - Douglas Adams

Not sure if you're being ironic, but I'd like to point out that in countries with a single payer system their annual health care costs are actually lower than ours per capita.

The scientific community really needs more effective public outreach and lobbyists. The average American does not understand how much research is funded by public money, and they take for granted advancements which stem from basic research. (And I applaud sites and blogs like io9 which do a lot to raise awareness of

Oh noes!

Hey, this article is about me! The sequester is directly responsible for me not getting my dream PhD position this year. I was perfect situated to start my PhD in forest entomology this semester following graduation in May with my Masters. The professor wanted me, our research directions were compatible, I liked

An original hipster astronomer, focused on the (literally) cooler part of the universe, that you've likely never seen or heard of.

Fresh Air, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, Radio Lab, The World, Science Friday; it's hard to just name a few, it's all so good. :)

The 19th century just called and it wants its opinion back.

Border sexism? BORDER? Dude that's not even sexism anymore. That there is just good ol' misogyny and fear.

+1 for Ruby Rhod!

So two of year's best science fiction films (although,Gravity is aguably more a techno-thiller) come from Mexican directors? And they're both personal projects,not design-by-commitee Hollywood projects?

Well, not exactly. Space is neither hot nor cold, it's vacuum. The problem is your vehicle (a) absorbs heat from surrounding stars and suns, and (b) generates its own internal heat from whatever its power source is. There's no substrate around you to sink the heat into, nor any wind or water to convect it away. Ergo,

Longtime pet peeve of mine: if these are space ships, how do they dump their waste heat?