
As a pilot, I agree with this assessment. :)

Because the Star Wars movies rely heavily on things going wrong, and people using thrilling heroics to save the day.

Would not describe this as a dream. I don't think this movie needed a sequel.

This (booster) is essentially the same as one of the Shuttle's side boosters - the SLS rocket will use two of them, just like the shuttle did, although these will be 5-segment rockets instead of 4-segment (and some other minor improvements as well). While the SLS will be a monster of a rocket, it's largely built

Alas, we're still waiting for *the* space opera, aren't we?

Anyway, speaking as someone who voted for Obama twice (And would vote for him again, even though I'm still profoundly disappointed he didn't close Gitmo and the PRISM scandal and his failure to push through a true national health service.), what a president asks for is not so important.

There is no reason to throw the old folks out on the (depleting) ice flows yet. Reallocating a small portion of the defense budget to NASA and other science related endeavors would have a HUGE impact. That would also be a fertile breeding ground for new and advanced technologies that could power the economy for

I have to agree with you, I liked DS9 but I much more enjoyed Voyager. In fact I liked Enterprise more and nothing lives up to TNG to me. I think overall DS9 just had the least likable characters.


He didn't create it between two men, or two women, or two men and one woman, or three men and one woman, or two women and one man, or three women and one man.

Our current #1 national security threat is Climate Change. That money could have been spent making it stagnant.

It is deceptive and alarmist to show exploding nukes on a post describing the test of an unarmed missile.

If that is what constituted the R-Rated version, I'm glad we never got one.

Mr. Condliffe. I'm a professional physicist. They are not the same. Please stop being careless, when making statements about fundamental science. I have to clean up the mess.

Ship's Counselor: Mirror Universe Kira

Yeah, the exotic matter thing. It's the same with space elevators. Designers say we've got the entire thing worked out, except for "material X" which will form the elevator ribbons. Still, I think there's a value in thinking about what the design might be like, because it helps us isolate what components are left for

Kee-rist. They don't even have to admit that human activity is the cause. Preventing the Pentagon from preparing for the effects of climate change - regardless of the cause - is stupid, short-sighted and lays bare the GOP's commitment to ideology over reality.