
The Rocinante is a badass ship. I'm on board for this show all day. Give me some James Holden making an ass of himself across the galaxy.

Because maybe infinite range was a little too powerful for a first unlock?

Yeah, as to that, no longer will UFOs safely crash in the wilderness. They'll crash in urban environments, too.

I was satisfied with how it ended and a lot of that satisfaction was because I enjoyed every hour of it leading up to that final mission. For me, it's hard to hate on any part of this game because it's my favorite genre and done so well.

Better title: "Proper environmental care causes ecosystems to return quicker than we thought."

Noooooo... Remember the Venetian sewer scene.

The only really consistent character in terms of personality for me was Helo, and maybe I can lump his Sharon in there. Everyone else seemed kinda bi-polar from one season to the next.

The level of detail is on par with a Cameron or Spielberg film. These images look amazing. Even though I don't agree with Card's politics, I will see this movie. I've always wanted to see it made into a movie or a tv show. Now it's here and it looks amazing.

What. The. Hell.

I loved Myo and thought Gore was cool (for a capitalist) but I sooo loved Melanie Rescorai. Also loved Mark Vernon, OZZIE the coolest dude ever and Adam Elvin (mostly for his politics).

This one. I don't know how many pages I read in this trilogy - 3 x 1200? And as the pages were running out there was a tiny hint of the big bad facing off against his original victim, but hell there were so many loose ends that could not possible be cleaned up on the remaining pages. When suddenly - deus ex machina. Bo

horror is not scifi.

See a lot of bitching about "too many keys"

Anyone know if Luke uses his respirator in this series?

I'm a little surprised this is not only on the list, but no where in the comments (that I've seen). I don't care if it was the first time I saw it in theater, on blu-ray, or if it happens to be on FX... Every damn time for me, NIAGRA FALLS!!!!

First five minutes of Up are a complete punch to the face. Every time.

Its apples and oranges IMO. I love them both, and for completely different reasons!!

Trekkers vs Trekkies.