Kel C. Grammer


Just watch the second one. It's the best.

Just watch the second one. It's the best.

Cracked.com was certainly hilarious for a while.

Cracked.com was certainly hilarious for a while.

Kinja is dead, Satan lives! The year is One!

Kinja is dead, Satan lives! The year is One!

I actually like Temple of Doom. Yeah, it has its problems, but the dark tone really works.

I actually like Temple of Doom. Yeah, it has its problems, but the dark tone really works.

Rifftrax definitely took issue with the "pawns" thing in their X-Men 3 riff.

This is clearly a mark of bad copy editing, not that of a flawed argument. The "white" part was intended for the sentence that followed. The race of the perps isn't the point, it's the victimization of a woman of color.

That's actually something I like about the X-Files. The people are as alien as the monsters and aliens.

Writers are egomaniacs as is! They should never be given power.

In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is a magic xylophone, or something? Ha ha, boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


A fascist would show up to your house bearing arms. Asking you to kill yourself is more of asking a favor, akin to asking a neighbor for a cup of sugar.

They believe in the freedom to own slaves. For white racist assholes, yes, that could be considered a noble image. For marginalized groups, it represents a tyrannical majority using their power to literally enslave and otherwise oppress minorities.

Are nested threads a feature that's in active development? Without them, the comment section will be a mess.

Wow. The fake version of the show I write where Kevin becomes a paranormal detective with fascist tendencies is somehow nowhere near as stupid as the real thing. Well done, Hollywood!

The first two-thirds were decent enough for a comic book movie, but as a whole, the movie was very "meh". The love story was forced, the ending was too long and lacked tension, and the "comic relief" characters seemed to exist purely to make me ask, "Why are people laughing? Was that a joke?"