It’s like playing god mode on a video game.
It’s like playing god mode on a video game.
Do you know a lot of old people? I mean, really old people. Over 80/90 old. When the bulk of their friends and family are dead and the world warps and changes around them beyond where they got comfortable and they go from being independent and valued to being infantilized and excused. It’s one of the circumstances of…
But what is ‘death’? Oblivion, obviously, but it might turn out to be that, to quote the ghost lady from The Amber Spyglass ‘even if it means oblivion, friends, I’ll welcome it, because it won’t be nothing, we’ll be alive again in a thousand blades of grass, and a million leaves, we’ll be falling in the raindrops and…
I’m always seeing this idea that eternity would get boring, and I just don’t get it. As long as human civilization keeps rolling, there’s always new material for the book club. There’s always a new Netflix series to binge. There’s always new film and music and videogames; always an ever-evolving marketplace of ideas;…
It was “This Side of Paradise” from the OTS. Everyone on the ship gets sprayed by these magic spores on a planet that make them all blissed and want to abandon ship. That includes McCoy, who spends most of the episode with a drink in one hand, and Spock who falls in love. Kirk figures out how to undo the magic spores…
“He taps Gritty three times on the head, a light tap,” Greenwell admits.
“Greenwell says his son required medical attention...”
*record scratch sound effect*
It was just a stunningly awful trailer that manages to hit all of the late 2010s trailer cliches. Playing a maudlin version of a famously upbeat song over everything? Check. Veering wildly between slapstick and sentimental pap? Check. Cutting to black immediately after the protagonist is introduced, as if to say “yes, …
Downey’s position as a Giant Movie Star is odd at this point, because it’s about 95% based on having played Tony Stark, 4% Sherlock Holmes, and 1% the vague memories of his career before that. He’s a brilliant actor (when he’s not doing bizarre shit like Dr. Dolittle) but is he really a leading man type? I think we’d…
More like “The NUDE Pope,” am I right?
I’m hoping this gets painfully specific on details of the French and Indian War, because I forgot most of my AP US History and remember basically nothing about it. Not that I loved John Adams, but wanting more of a wonky John Adams than a bodice-ripper. Although I do chuckle at my memory of Ben Stiller’s Daniel…
Big fan. That’s why I read Kotaku.
That’s totally fair. If a writer wants to criticize a game for not featuring gender representation, that’s totally fine. That’s valuable journalism, and it helps you make the informed choice I discussed in my original post.
Damn I couldn’t have worded it any better than this.
If a game or developer does not align with your politics and you feel strongly about it, then don’t buy the game. By all means, take a stand. Sign an online petition stating that you’re not buying the game because it fails to give equal representation to women. If you want to enact real change and enough people feel…
Teenager of 1986 here and the Cats turned me on to pot.
I fully believe that The Room was intended to be good (and failed) whereas Rocky Horror knew exactly what it was and didn’t put on any airs.
When I was a kid, almost nothing scared me. Not horror movies, or monster stories...