The first time I learned about this was from this Cracked video(when Cracked didn’t suck and had a video team)
The first time I learned about this was from this Cracked video(when Cracked didn’t suck and had a video team)
“Mom & dad dead yet? Divorced at least?”
“Wow, you got fat this year, huh?”
Or if either of them acted like any sibling ever. “Hey, look who’s back, it’s Captain Fartpants.”
That made me laugh. Goddammit.
Was looking for this. Can’t beat the original. Especially the arcade version where you can sit inside the mini cockpit.
Atari Star Wars is the best. The rest of these games can gtfo
I want this.
hell yeah! HELL yeah.
He went to school with Aaron A. Aaronson.
He needs to get the guns out of the opening sequence of “Saving Private Ryan!” They’re all over the fucking place!
I want to know which pervert executive decided in like 1980 that kids love gross stuff, so I can punch him in his kidney.
I don’t know about a Game Boy game, but the game that they made for Gamecube and PS1 ended up being one of my favorite games of the era for no other reason than it had really this great ragdoll cheat. I seriously spent hours doing this...
They just need to make a film where a stressed big city businesswoman has to go back to her hometown to foreclose on a reindeer farm when she bumps into a second, equally stressed businesswoman who has been sent to this town to foreclose on a separate reindeer farm. The two women fall in love and settle down in the…
One of the contestants in the Hallmark Christmas dating show should have been her high school boyfriend, who now a doctor but also her partner in the town’s gingerbread house-making competition, without which her family’s restaurant will go out of business
Yup. I’m brainwashed. Me, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI (oh, wait. I forgot. They are part of the conspiracy) and every single intelligence organization in the western world. They are all either brainwashed or out to get Trump.
Yeah I don’t think he would ever really get impeached. However, the benfits of pushig to compel more witenesses to testify would have more benefits:
The Democratic leadership has made a huge mistake. This impeachment is Trump’s path to reelection. They did not make their case with the people that matter.
With Trump becoming president and doing the things that he and his minions do, I realize that he ushered in a new era of class warfare for the GOP and the Dems. Not the class warfare of upper vs middle or even upper vs lower, it’s more basic and it crosses party lines. It’s those who have class and those that don’t.
GOP strategy is simple and straightforward: keep control of the Senate. The senate can control what bills go through, select judges, and block impeachments. Democrat president? Block everything. GOP president? Allow him to stack the deck as much as possible in any way possible in order to maintain your grip on power…