
Wait a fucking minute. That is what taxes are for....WTF?!? Its not as if I've ever had a bill sent to me in the mail by my local fire department, or police department. Wait....Tennessee....never mind. All has been explained. Such things are dem der socialist....y type stuff.

I always love the term non-lethal weapon. Its a fantasy. All weapons has the potential to be lethal under the right circumstances. Its like calling something water proof....not so much.

And of course we routinely see such inflammatory imagery of Apple on this site as well. You couldn't have used this

@ctfeet: Oh China cares....they just don't give a rat's *** about inland China. If there was a chance of it falling on a coast city you can be sure they would have figured out an alternate plan. China doesn't give a crap about the inland villages, just the coast. Look at where development has gone over the last 15

*shrugs* 9 times out of 10 the "magic" behind your food at restaurants (Be they fast food or sit down.) is anything other then pretty.

*shrugs* Its for people into bondage. Always wondered what it would feel like, but I'm mildly claustrophobic. I'd probably have a panic attack.

@thinkthis: Because they are douchebags...just like everyone else in the world....but in this case there is a term for calling someone out for being a douchbag when they are Jewis. If you call anyone else out on being a jerk you are being bold....maybe a bit too bold, If you call a Jew out on it you are being

But...but.... The US doesn't need infrastructure upgrades. That's commi...or was it socialist....wait I think its Maoist talk!

@limedcoconut: Yep you've got it under control...and we've got all the nukes....*yawns and goes back to not giving a shit*

@gtaz19: which means absolutely dick when Israel is a bigger douchebag then even the US, and that is saying something.

No they don't. Apple can go make their own damn apps. MS doesn't need to support their BS.

@charlesfro: No no no. UR doing it wrong. Its Zee googles....They do nothing!

That first picture.....obviously over exposure to Steve Jobs's RDF. Poor dude.

@Chubby93: Because best is relative.

I could think of better things to do in there then run...as long as I had company. *smirks*

@goldentreesang: There is a rope attached to the ball. If at any point it popped they could have dragged it in in a few seconds. It sounds like they had at least 3-4 people there. Dangerous yes. No moreso then most things kids do as they grow up....or at least did do before this country pussified all their

@w3cko: UR kidding....right? Right.....Please be kidding. That's just...wrong on so many levels.

@undeadmachine: How do you know they even have an asshole

Yah know....I really liked Avatar....but now I need to go burn out my eyes and get therapy to rid myself of these images.