
@coodgenducta: I've heard like throwing a hotdog down a hallway. But yah. Pretty much

OK I really liked Avatar....but I now need to go burn out my eyes and get therapy to erase the images I just saw

Yes and then they became more and more powerful until they pussified them because god forbid someone gets a bruise off of a super soaker.

@soldstatic: Not its because Daft Punk rocks. Its all good....hype.

Geek...heal thyself

Yah because Russia has such a fantastic track record of dealing with nuke plants....from nuke subs to the obvious Chernobyl..what could possibly go BOOOOOOM

And we want to use corn to replace gas...*shakes head* fracking insane.

Dear Giz. Notebooks aren't dieing you iTards. They have saturated the market, and its not the normal selling season. I see you didn't bother to do more then July of last year to now. How about two years of stats and see the year to year dropoff. Oh wait. You wouldn't do that because it would show the recession

@rathat: Heh. And of course you have the knowhow to enrich uranium right? Yah wiki has the general details of the techniques. Do you know how to do it?

@calenjones: Its called a sting calen, nothing new here. And while I'd be one of the first to defend the right granted to us by the constitutional amendments. This is NOT, in any way, something you take lightly. I can guarantee you if you sat down the signers of the constitution in front of a demo of a nuke going

@Thad E Ginathom: Hat. Looks at the rest of her wardrobe . Me thinks she wouldn't have punk hair in...what? 1950's-1960's?

Ummm I believe that would be considered treason....there's a death penalty for that.....I think. Now a days though everyone is so touchy feely about the subject they will probably get life and be out in 30 years.

Once again Giz's true colors show through. Do you know how many Alienware and Dell XPS systems I've seen stolen from customers?

As long as its designed well....sure. But I would want to be able to swap off with a smart phone when I know I would need it.

@cycle-ops: He lost all his hair when he turned into a douchbag...

@Calvin Chou: Yah because everyone knew about this. *rolls eyes* That is the point of lifehacker. Share ideas that aren't common knowledge.

@longooglite: At the end of the day Google simply consolidates data from existing sources. so at any time if everyone started migrating over to Bing...they are pretty much screwed. Esp since most of the stuff they have is open source and plays well with others. This isn't like MS with their embrace, extend,

Now playing

Meh. Not nearly as cool as Nazis in space. Granted Nazis aren't cool to begin with, but the fake trailer is.

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For those interested in the data center in a box......

@Pope John Peeps II: Ummm not really. Have you read more then two of the strips? It hits on pretty much every topic in society from sex, to politics, to religion and beats the crap out of them all with humor. Computer programming? I mean WTF does this have to do with programmers? I think you are confusing