
@KyleW: There isn't much in the way of Apple news....so slow news day.

while I really do like most of Tarantino's stuff. if he really did say this I'm going to call dipshit on him and ask someone to smack him upside the head. Without CGI Lord of the Rings would not have been possible, nor Chronicles of Narnia. Among countless other movies. CGI is a tool for a director to allow them

@pressstart: No but they should be. MY personal fav are hand drive manufacturers. Announcing the 1TB 7200 mobile hard drive.....out sometime in 1st Qt 2011

@Pseudo_Hakim: The icons are large since data can be displayed in them. The area that is open isn't needed since the OS is designed to be scrolled around. The main display is designed to show your data at a glance, large and right there. What would you use that area for on the right? Crap that you need to squint

@cbytes: You just decreased the humanity's average intelligence by 5%. Congratulations.

@Jose_J_Herrera: Please no. Otherwise how will I be able to continue to point and laugh at the iTards and their desperation to leave a shit carrier, but because they HAVE to have Apple they are stuck on it.

No one gives a shit anymore. The only people who do are the ones locked into Apple's platform with no other option.

@Ben Longo: Maybe its because you've used Apple too long. I had the same results when I tried using an Apple MBP for 3 years....I hated the thing with every fiber of my being at the end of those 3 years. OS X and I DO NOT get along. Its because I'm trying to do things that Apple didn't design the OS for (Like

@BowlingForDollars: No I would meet with Steve "Mr Douchebag" Jobs and let him try and pay me.....I would so deck the bastard...jail? It would be so worth it to know I broke his nose. He has single handedly damaged the tech industry with this BS about form (Thin) over function (Features.). He's lessened battery

No one gives a shit about the iPhone other then iTards....seriously. Even Verizon obviously doesn't. The line up for android is so impressive that if its coming anytime in the next 6-8 months it would be insane to pump this much effort into android. Keep fantasizing about the God Phone being on another network,

@NeckProtector: It gives it more cred that its the brain child of "The Dear Leader" Only in the mind of Krazy Kim could this become reality.....and no I think its BS too, obviously the subtitles are a joke.

I've always dreamt of creating a device that creates a vibration in all light bulbs and shatter them all within a 20 mile radius. How you'd do such a thing with different bulbs....*shrugs*

@macshome: No it says something about iTards not wanting to give up the apps they have spent a fortune on. see if you get an android phone you can jump to plenty of other phones and use those apps there. iPhone....gotta stay with iPhone forever. Good luck being chained to one device....pretty much forever.

$10 says that the iTards are voting, deleting the cache, voting, deleting the cache, voting....repeat....iTards gotta be iTards I guess.

And about those people who were obviously sued accidental. (I highly doubt a 70 year old lady is downloading hard core rap.) I guess that is just a casualty of "war" eh.....burn in hell you out of touch douche nozzle .

@D0GG: And if they were unemployed...tough crap I guess right? You people really are disgusting.

@SkaHimself: I predict the station is going to be going up in smoke soon enough.

@sudo rm -rf /: You can't fix stupid. But hopefully someday it will be bred out by Darwinism

@DingoJunior: And what if they don't have the damn money to pay them because they are unemployed Mr smart ass? That is what taxes are for. That is why everyone pays for it. Because if someone falls on hard times they won't freeze to death in the winter, they can have cops come to their door if needed, and they can

@glardchia: Wait for it....wait for it......In all seriousness any ism taken to its extreme IS bad. But a good blend of socialism, capitalism, and a few other isms is a "good thing". The problem is the Fundi retards have done a wonderful job at equating anything socialism with fascism, and communism. welcome to