
Google isn't evil. People who call Google evil are over reacting and applying a snap label to them. Since day one Google's stated goal is to index everything. Both analog and digital. So Books, maps, voicemail, websites, tweets, blogs, netnews, etc. You see encroachment of your privacy....but that is the nature

Love it! It allows me to refine searches on the fly.

Now imagine what the Edmund Fitzgerald went through and realize that what you saw here was probably a walk in the park in comparison. Also WTF people. After the second roll you'd think people's survival instinct would kick in, and would realize the furniture was coming back. Get your butt into the smaller back room

I'm still trying to offload my 160GB iPod classic so I can go EVO. Haven't really tried that hard though. Probably try craigslist later this month.

@ShreikNChips: Space 1999 is overrated IMHO. The special effects are exceptional for the time. The stories were...less so. And if you think Babylon 5 was poorly written...WTF are you smoking. SG1 is a series that has hit and miss episodes, but when they hit they are a direct hit and are exceptional.

@Coleberg: QL is one of those sci fi series that really caters to a certain person. Its not so much about sci fi as it is about the story built up around the person Sam jumps into. So from a Drama standpoint it is exceptional. From a sci fi standpoint...meh. You really only had a couple episodes that jumped

Meh...wouldn't have included Enterprise in there. Only if you are a hardcore trekie are you going to really enjoy it. The entire series was a massive cluster. My general feeling is if you have to use time travel more then once a season you've jumped the shark. Its a gimmick designed to get out of the universe you

@norazi: See Apple customers as a reference to this.

Make it rollable and make it so I can use it as wallpaper or GTFO. I don't care if its 1mm thick. At some point being thin doesn't matter. IMHO anything 1" or thinner is perfectly fine. Its not as if Oh honey! The thing is keeping us from moving around the room because its taking up so much space.....now if you

@James Valentine: Hate to break this to you but no one is going to get over it. Movies on the books for the coming year are starting to really ramp up the use of 3D. More and more theatres are upgrading to 3D projection systems. Satellite and cable carriers are both rolling out 3D channels soon. 3D blu-ray, 3D

You have until the beginning of October Palm...otherwise screw it. I'm sticking with Android. And even then.....whatever they have better be DAMN good to make me eyeball something other then the Epic 4G or the EVO.

Only 24 hour time, only Celsius....Uninstalled due to it being useless. It is so insanely simple to implement 12 hour time and C to F conversion.

@Aenean: Yah you go ahead and pay for that switch for us.....tell me, how many trillions do you have to spare. From computer code in the fed gov that would have to be changed to private sector code, to devices that rely on it. This isn't a change from analog to digital TV. That was simple...this? It would cost

Oh and BTW no one reads anymore. Remember that gem? Or how about no one wants to watch video on a 2" screen? And on and on. Douchebag.

Steve Jobs is a douchebag and an outright liar....news at 11....does this really surprise anyone other then the fanbois? The day Jobs lets a solid fact pass his lips without spin and propaganda attached to it will be the end of the freaking world. Because Hell will have frozen over as will the oceans, lakes, and

Thank god I moved to the Midwest when I was 9. Yah we get tornadoes here, but that usually lasts an hour tops.

@MARCINEKOK: Call a spade a spade. Peace by murder. Death makes it sound as if it just sort of happened out of the blue like he died when his car spun out and crashed. You pull that trigger, even if you were given orders its murder. Pure and simple. Now if you want to argue about the roll of war as a political

Apparently the F-22 runs on gay O_o

No no no.... I'll tell you guys what this is.....PURE FREAKING AWESOME is what it is!

I don't have to worry about that....most of the useful apps on Android are free.