
And the reasons why I deleted my Facebook account keep growing and growing.

Actually no. The Romans were addicted to some seriously kinky sex. No really.

@olternaut: Its science dumbshit, not blind faith.

Yah we saw this same argument with Linux about 5 years ago. Dear MS....STFU. Love Windows 7. Love Zune (Except only one star rating.) Love MS office and a number of your current apps, but please. Don't pull this shit again. Its old, tired, and frankly it smack of the same BS Apple pulled with their ads. Spend

@Neeraj Verma: *sighs* Joke meet Neeraj. Neeraj meet joke.

@espinha: Magnets....HOW THE *$@K do they work?!?!?

Why is the sun GOATSEing us?

@microinjectionist: It already whoops the Samsung from the standpoint that it doesn't have some damn proprietary connector on it. Standard ports for the epic win.

@Phatric: If you don't want to send MS your data...don't. There's a reason you get a popup asking if you want to send MS the stats on what caused the crash. Don't want to? hit cancel.

@jayhudgeons: That isn't in the US...they don't have braindead judges, he would loose.

@darkknight388: No. Stewie would have transformed the thing while inside into a walking exoskeleton

@Ariel_Wollinger: "wrong, third world radiotherapy" They are too cheap for X Rays....how about AM?

"America makes some of the world's finest beers"

OK is really anyone surprised by this? The Titanic sunk in 2.4 miles of water...nothing that drops that far is going to hit in the same place as it started on the surface. You have ocean currents, and general drift as parts break off.

Better then Samsung's and their crap proprietary port they are using. Who do they think they are...Apple?

You lost me at Verizon.

@GizmoTron9000: So you enjoy not having choices. Standard i Tard cattle response. MOOOOO.

Actaully I would love for someone to do a history of the shower. Seriously. One of the greatest inventions avar.

Mmmm zero point energy. It worked for the folks in Atlantis, and can work for you!

@Arken: Or maybe because he hadn't lived in France for god knows how long...yah think? Maybe? Geesh.