
@KamWrex: Not enough. 6 freaking TOS cast movies and 4 TNG movies....SOOOO not fair. That said. Some of them sucked. Not Trek V sucking...but not great.

@Mathew Woodard: Its generally considered that, that was Worf's father. Not canon at all...but it fits.

@Mark 2000: Tim was in several TNG episodes as well.

@n3philimgirl: Only if she was naked and the monster was having "fun" with her. That would be an acceptable "out" for her.

@SAThorn: Dude you aren't helping his case. No really should have left it at GamePro Mag.

@Brian Wilson: No it wouldn't. Someone up near the top...possibly the suits, Berman, or Roddenberry...felt that no Trek series should go over 7 seasons.

@b5bartender: Screw that. Break it out when the enterprise was boarded. Every damn time his sorry ass was on the floor with his visor sitting in a corner somewhere. Would have loved to see him open up a can of woop ass.... *Riker eyeballs Geordie as he grins back at him with all the bodies laying across engineering*

@Beck446: Integrates into Gmail which is pervasive. And isn't on the iPhone, a bonus IMHO because Apple is a douche about allowing GVoice on the thing.

You guys did better reporting then Eng....that other site....holy crap was their article convoluted. The title said free....text of the article suggested otherwise.

@Ian Logsdon: Or at least we'll see them in the next Roland Emmerich destroy the world film. Dude has some weird fetish with destroying everything. And its gotten worse with each movie. Independence Day killed a lot of people. The Day After Tomorrow killed probably about half the population of the world. 2012

*shrugs* Fire is fire. Just as dangerous if its on the ground as it is in the air....at least when it comes to hurting people. And you don't need a dust devil turned fire devil to make fire jump. When you said tornado that would be a different matter...that wasn't a tornado though. Just a dust devil.

Very interesting. How well does it work when you have a 2' wave. It not as if the ocean is typically calm all the time.

@digispa: But...but...but then there would be no reason for the article....oh wait....oops.

@wheresmyjetpack: Yah because Apple handsets come out once per year with a single feature set that is force fed to its cattle. Meanwhile you have a ton of choice with android who's OS will get upgraded. Move on iTard. Move on.

Can you say tempest in a teapot? Wonderful sensationalistic article guys. People were screaming about the EVO and how it ha....oops never mind got 2.2. Well I guess there is the Droid how dare they....oops never mind. Got it. Well there is the Droid 2. How could you guys possibly think of...oh...never mind it

@Flemish: Windows 9x = 95, 98, 98SE, and ME. But thankfully I never used ME. I had a laptop with it on it, but I literally booted it up the first time with a Windows 2000 disk. No the bain of my existence was mostly Windows 95. 98 got better but things stabilized around Windows 2000's timeframe.

@Stymie99: Assuming you could set it up correctly. NT4 didn't have a device manager like you had with 9x. It was a massive PITA to get working...esp on laptop. I remember spening days the first time I tried loading workstation on my Compaq laptop.

Frack Windows 9x. The most gawd awful OS ever created by man. Seriously. I supported this POS for the better part of a decade. You look at the thing wrong and you had to reboot. Even going into Network Neighborhood had the OS prompting you to reboot. And then there was the patches.....For the longest time I had

@ircmaster: I would consider that as a difinate possibility. One single problem. I want a freaking USB port. I don't want to carry a proprietary cable around with me.

Android. Even if I had to pay triple. See there is this little thing called choice, and this other thing called customize. I know its a radical concept for Apple users. But there is this wonderful world out there where you can load pretty much anything you want without the manufacturer telling you nope....sorry.