
Needs more LED blinky eyes. And a speaker that goes pika, pika

Or just use Android and load up PDAnet without needing to root, and away you go. No approval from the hardware or OS manufacturer needed.

Root.....install one of a bagillion utils to uninstall apps. Done. Oh wait. That would disprove the FUD. Sorry. Carry on.

@Protocol X: Its like duct tape. The uses are endless for a person into tinkering.

Geesh. For a second I thought that was a casket, and now I'm thinking why not. Hmmm

Ah Gizzz. Always talking **** about tech YOU think doesn't work. Look at the movies you referenced. The first two rock. And everything drops after that from a plot perspective. (Say what you will about Avatar, its plot may not be unique, but its implementation is.

@Nightwalker05: Its called a Virus and and there are certain things nature does to overextended ecosystems. See biology\science 101 in high school for reference.

Huh. Someone posted an interesting idea. Could you replace phone polls with these or would the power running through the nearby wires cause some form of EM interference?

They put up a new one of these (Sans branches) a mile up the road from me. Still get shit reception from T Mobile and I'm pretty sure it is a t mobile pole.

@SEDAGIVE?!: Regrowth in months. Vs. regrowth in decades or in some cases centuries.

@EvilDroidClone: Or this happens every time Old Spice guy gets a date.

I haven't read anything beyond the title....let me guess....Russian?

They need to start equipping these things with green lasers so we can see the beam. Not nearly as much "fun". Fun being relative since no one is dieing in these tests. And of course in the field you really don't want your enemy to see where the source of the "gun fire" is.

@iElvis: Light != microwaves

@Dragonfang18: Yah because one shot that takes a millisecond to react to and no way to stop the process, is better then one that takes 5-10 seconds where you can stop firing at any time and MIGHT leave them intact.

@aNak: And yet how long did it take to bring the thing down. If we are talking a 5-10 second necessity of needing the beam to impact the hull when one good piece of shrapnel could take off a wing.

Meh. Would have been funnier with subs, better CGI, and Ballmer since Gates hasn't been doing squat at MS for years now. *shrugs*

@Gators15: Maybe people would let it go if it wasn't for Steve "Douchebag" Jobs and his common behavior of needing to take one more unwarranted pot shot at everyone else. Because yah know.... that's what D Bags do.

@Dexomega: Maybe he did. Granted photoshop wasn't nearly as powerful back then.

"scientists still say that finding brushstrokes on the Mona Lisa is impossible"