
@Incoherent: Replace badass with just ass and I agree. The dude should be crowned Douchebag of the universe.

God let one rip.

What was Jobs's BS line? Real artists ship or something. Anyways who cares. Was anyone really surprised by this. The free bumpers are a drop in the bucket when you consider how much Apple makes per unit, and Jobs damn well knows that his lemmings will continue to by his wares, defective or not. It was simpler to

@nateilage: Its patriotic! *salutes* Leave no boobies behind!

Propaganda: It works for governments world wide and works for Apple too.

ATT contract til 2012. Enough said about the speculation.

$10 says they saw a class action lawsuit coming, and this was the response. Apple does NOTHING out of the goodness of their black hearts.

*shrugs* Gotta go sometime.

you bastards! I think I just busted a gut laughing. Oh crap that hurts.

@iansilv: And if Jobs told you to stand on your head to get even better reception. Do it and stop bitching. Because Apple is always right....ALWAYS.

"it would not be good for the company"

@geolemon: Yah and then they will just sue 5,0000 people per month. Sorry TPB is a huge risk right now until darknets hit the prime time.

Giz. Sounding a bit bitter there? Maybe its because like everyone else they didn't hold the phone while testing. Probably had the thing in the cradle or some other method that didn't come in contact with the device.

@Lord_Data: Dude go to CNN and look at the coins. They are in excellent condition. NOTHING is going to look spotless prior to it being cleaned up. [edition.cnn.com]

@insomniac6712: No he is implying that engineers think, everyone else doesn't. Jebus...I've been an engineer all that time and I didn't even know it. I need to talk to my boss on Monday and ask for a raise.

@drmrw: Ummm Replace iPhone with ANY phone. I'm sorry but the fracking iPhone doesn't hold a patent on that process for dialing a call...yet *rolls eyes*

@frigg: You are my hero man. *virtual hetero hug*

@Chernobyl: Careful.. Some day you too will be in that position. Damn kids and their neural implants talking to themselves. *shakes his cane* Go get a device! It makes you look like you are insane!!!

@Piledriver: Anyone can use anything (Phone, computer, etc) if they try. It doesn't have to be an iPhone. The key is to THINK. Use your damn brain for a second and usually most people can figure it out. The problem is there are people out there that see OMG no keys and freaks and then starts randomly hitting

Ummm 99.9% of phones out there you wake up the phone (Turn it on like any other old cell), hit talk (To bring up the dialer), dial the number, and hit talk again.