
Egh....Last time I tried Trillian I swore that I would never use their wares...buggiest POS I've ever seen. Granted that was 5 years ago...sooo

@snitch: A limited OS is the only reason the whatever works...just works. By Apple's logic a big red button that takes and ends calls on a phone is the best device ever made.

@Allan Anaya: Ahhh the 'o virus claim. LOL. You iTards really need to find new material since I've intentionally tried to infect my Windows 7 system with a virus and BAM....stops it dead in its tracks since it can't infect anything without your approval. But If you loose the virus argument what do you have left?

Excuses, the last bastion of the hypocrite.

"They were so horrible when I tried them in Barcelona, that I forgot completely about them:"

@hole: Ad blocker FTW.

Yah Android copied everything from the iPhone. Anyone ever notice when the iTards really start making these claims? Its usually after a competitor starts really ramping up competition. Because realistically that is the ONLY ammo you have against competitors of Apple....claim theft like a 7 year old throwing a

Ummm understatement. Jobs's main job IS to lie. He will say or do anything to sell his product.

I really feel for Palm. That 4.8% are the die hards who will defend Palm to til the bitter end.

@c010rb1indusa: In 2 years....maybe. Until then nope. Remember that ATT has an exclusive contract with Apple until 2012.

@hameed67: I hate to break this to you but Apple doesn't innovate. They haven't in at least 10 years. They take off the shelf hardware, wrap it in a pretty shell, dumb down the software so it makes retards happy because it requires NO thought to use, but frustrates the crap out of everyone else, and calls it

@kylecpcs: Try again. I know 4 die hard Apple and iPhone fans that just switched to Sprint and the EVO (3) and V and the incredible (1). And another 2 who are waiting for their contract to expire with ATT before moving on. The only thing keeping Apple's market share numbers where there are is ATT's early termination

Or maybe if you find the right woman such things are cool with her. I'm in <3 with a geek woman which is hot on so many levels.

@john02116: And do you know where the tower was and what reception you had to begin with? No....riiiight. Ignorant people think there aren't problems.

@gizmodo.reader: BAHHHHHH. Good little sheep. Go eat out of Steve's hand.

@OlympiaChrysaor: If you are sitting near a tower you will not have issues. If you are getting moderate reception to begin with you WILL have issue if you cover up your antenna. Its as simple as that.

@JimmyBanks6: There will never be a recall. That would require Apple to admit they made a mistake and that will happen as soon as Bush admit that he made one. Steve Jobs is the most arrogant, prideful person on the planet. Nothing short of a class action lawsuit, or that Apple sees the writing on the wall that

@Steve_Thompson: Maybe haters wouldn't hate if you iTards would back off the idea that the iPhone is perfect. Too many of you think this thing was birthed by God him\her self. We are sick of it and will....WILL take a dig at you any chance we get. Apple's wares are not, and never have been, any better then anyone

ROTFL. I just found out a long time iPhone user friend of mine last week ditched the 3GS for an EVO. The dude has had EVERY iPhone up til now. It really makes me wonder, if hard core users are starting, even if its only a handful at a time, to abandon the Godphone. If they are doing that maybe people are waking up

There are special places in hell that worship that man. No really. Read up on commandment 1.