
No it won't. I'm no longer on it.

Dear ATT, instead of spending money on these renderings how about spending more on your network?

@Axelph: That's generally how it works, yes.

@xsbs: *nods* That was my first though as well.

No it isn't. I just abandoned it and put a URL to my Livejournal. A social network that 90% of my friends are on. I never get spammed with friend\game\app suggestions. I don't have to deal with WHY haven't you responded to [blah]

@JustinSaneV2: Fuck you. Keep that data sucking POS off my soon to be network.

@astrocramp: Answer: People who need to find anything...anything at all to complain about.

@ddhboy: You don't really know Steve Jobs well do you? He is a money grubbing whore, but if there is something he wants, money becomes irrelevant. If Jobs is pissed at how fast Android is spreading I can almost guarantee you he would personally break the contract to let the Tardphone loose on the world.

Crap. Here comes the network contamination. Apple must have paid ATT a **** load to break their contract.

And of course this takes care of the oil plumes rolling around under the water....*crickets*...anyone......anyone at all.....Oh that's right its all about public image....never mind, carry on.

So for those handful of idiots who still believe that the world is flat, and its one big conspiracy....Go ahead and do this experiment yourself with tamper proof tape to make sure the box isn't messed with. Done.

Anything that will save Apple money while presenting the appearance of quality, they will do.

So proactive instead of reactive. Insanity! Pure insanity! We are a culture of don't spend money until AFTER the crap hits the fan. Then lets pay for the damage.

Please Please PLEASE keep the iPhone on ATT exclusive for another two years. It gives Android more time to consolidate their hold everywhere else.

The continuing saga of Apple quality. What next? The iHolder....a set of plastic tongs that you use to hold your iPhone to get great reception.

@Lo0ods: Everything at Apple is rushed. Why do you think they get their wares out the door 6-8 months before everyone else/

Apple quality strikes again.

@golferal: Umm no not really. I was as a meeting this weekend and someone was demoing Qik and it was flawless. Check that there was one drop in video quality about 2 minutes in for about 10 seconds and then it was back to normal.

@Parker Steven Elliott: Don't answer the phone. Say you didn't get good reception or the battery died. Pretty simple if you are clever enough.

Maybe a retarded future since its WIFI only. See the EVO for using video chat anywhere you want. That is the future.