
Yeh, and it kills me to hear otherwise presumably intelligent people argue that this is better for some inane reason (there was a whole shitstorm of justification in the Ars commentariat about this and the Apple Pencil charging cluster being ‘perfect’ because you don’t want people to use these while they’re charging

I’m a fanboy, too. So much so that I’m considering an iMac 5k rather than go back to the hell that was my experience on windows.

The magic mouse 2 and pencil recharging feel like things that wouldn’t happen under Jobs. Both are very inelegant and very “un-apple”. The crazy thing is that other manufacturers, like those

You know what I’m a serious fanboy and I have to say this was one of the dumbest moves that they’ve ever made. Seriously just move it to the front of the mouse so you can use it like a corded one if the battery dies.

Out of curiosity, do you have to interact with your phone to pull that up on your watch? Or can you just go through your watch?

Wow, so it saved you the trouble of digging your phone out of your pocket to show them the exact same QR code?

It’s almost as if the entire Star Wars series is based on traditional story tropes and archetypes that are hundreds if not thousands of years old. Who would have thought!

Glad you gave it a glowing reccomendation. Also glad you did it without spoilers. Kudos.

Osgood is amazing here. I love how committed she is (and her sister was) to the principle that it doesn’t matter what race she belongs to, that peace comes from abandoning labels and categories. Leave it to a cosplayer to be so flexible about identity.

I know, it would be terrible if you were confronted with actual facts.

Holy crap they made a video game inside Christopher Maloni/Gene’s head about him arguing with a can of mixed vegetables/H. Jon Benjamin .

The Reuben one reminded me of a story Terry Pratchett told. He said that one jet-lagged evening he accidently asked for Three Mile Island dressing for his salad. The waitress didn’t say a word, just brought him Thousand Island dressing and a bottle of hot sauce.

I thought that at first but then it seemed to make sense given that one of the ending options was spiritual driven. They were worded rather odd, at least for me, but maybe that’s because I’m 0% spiritual.

Agreed, a lot of God based questions which seemed out of place at times.

no kidding. that was super heavy on the religion

That was interesting, though I’m not a fan of all the “let God choose” type questions in it.

The consequences of getting backstabbed were dire, and were only exasperated by the original game’s lag issues.

Theory 1: Wellens did it to get more publicity for his vlog (and so far it’s working)

But is it really fair to have these expectations for any company? Don’t blame Apple — no tech company has innovated anything with music players, phones or tablets in years. Everything these days is mostly just incremental improvements of already existing features.

I’ve never had an issue with Apple adapting Android features on the iPhone because Google does it too with iOS. They build off each other. The thing that does bother me with Apple doing it though is it always comes right after the speech about how horrible Android is. “Android is inconsistent, fragmented, blah