
I’d like to see a trend graph that counts the number of times the word “curated” was used before and after Apple announced their music service. A movie soundtrack is “curated”. These are just playlists and a radio station. They might be good, hell, they might be GREAT...but I wish people would stop talking about them

Honestly, as somebody who’s been on the outside looking in, it’s kind of nice to see the Reality Distortion Field finally starting to fall. Not long ago, something like Apple Music would have been hailed as being just as revolutionary as Apple claims it is, despite the fact that others have been doing it — and doing

If you want artists paid fairly, Google Play seems to be ahead of almost all the others:

I’m definitely one of those crazy Apple people who loves everything they do but I’m increasingly inclined to agree with you. It’s fine to introduce some features/products that others already have but Apple is about re-inventing the wheel and doing things in their own way, an ambition which has been lost in recent

All of this stuff is created by human effort, which is evident in the quality of the selections...

I don’t think Apple was attempting to revolutionize anything with this. They sure tried to sell it that way, but I think they’re just trying to make up for lost revenue from other streaming services. Doesn’t really surprise me...the last time I was wowed by Apple was with the iPhone 4. Don’t get me wrong...I have a

Therein lies the difference between you and a fantasy character who is a tracker. They’re not just blindly going to be looking through some grass. It’s the same as when in The Two Towers, I believe, Merry drops his elven medallion because he knows his friends (Aragorn and Legolas, who are trackers) will be looking for

Tyrion and Varys were literally the one bright spot in this whole kick-in-the-chest episode.

A League of They’re Owned

That’s a really underhanded thing to do.

I was being facetious...

Yup, I have this whole folder full of simply “acceptable” apps (since replaced by simply “competent” aftermarket ones) titled: Shit I Can’t Delete.

I, and most others, would completely disagree with your take on the matter. The iPhone was light years ahead of anything BB or Nokia offered at the time. And they crushed it with the App Store and the ability for anyone to create an app for the phone. That in and of itself was revolutionary. And so was the design,

As others have pointed out, that’s not an apropos comparison. Apple isn’t offering anything new in this space that Spotify and Rdio don’t already do. And why you’d even drag Siri into this is beyond me. I have an iPhone, and Siri might as well not exist, because it’s completely worthless and beyond out of date.

... I can’t tell you if it works but it looks cool.

This happened with Snakes on a Plane. Hollywood already knows that Internet demand doesn’t always translate to actual dollars. Still, it’ll be interesting to see how well this movie does.

That’s already slowly started to happen. Look at SDCC. Studios have learned the flicks that get super hyped there and advertised seriously underpreform.

I’m most concerned about them getting the comedy right. Everything else is window dressing.

You know... there’s a lot of hype from the comics’-fanbase, and the internet-interest for that short played a big part in getting this movie made, but if no-one goes out to watch it and it tanks, then the movie-studios won’t be making many more films based on fan-noise for quite a while.