
Ass has been shown. Repeat: Ass has been shown.

US here. Great to see Doctor Who reach back to its roots, pulling in history with a little mix of goofy sci-fi thrown into the mix. The ability to humanize Rosa Parks and the civil rights movement (-loved- the comment about MLK’s sermon bringing in the white-haired ladies) was spot on. Nice call-outs for the modern

You tipped your hand in that first sentence. Enjoy your Vox Day books.

You have a depressingly narrow view of what constitutes Science Fiction. I’m guessing you don’t consider one of the most renowned episodes of Trek (City On The Edge of Tomorrow) Science Fiction either? As for your view on how well Americans know their history, you are far more generous than my experience has shown.

the class about White guilt and White Privilege

US here, and I don’t agree with a single thing you said. To be honest: what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber

It’s funny how you use Syfy for sci-fi when the SciFi channel changed its name to Syfy just to be able to trademark that word. They’d be annoyed when it becomes common.

I honestly doubt Doctor Who will go towards more hardcore sci-fi (“it is a children’s show” is apparently the crew mantra) but yeah, that whimsy can be toned down a bit.

FINALLY! I am pretty happy with what I see so far! Couple things kinda concerned about but will see how the full movie handles it. A nice silly trailer.

What? No Jabberjaw? No sale.

It’s almost as if the people voting for Trump don’t have a thorough understanding of economics...

“...there’s a couple business things I think he’d actually get moving forward.”

He is a White Nationalist/Populist with very strong authoritarian tendencies. Translation, he’s a mega douche that will never be president.

Trump’s a buffoon. He plays fast and loose. The only reason he isn’t dirt broke is bankruptcy.

Yeah, I’d like to hear how a free-market capitalist can reconcile forcing a company to manufacture goods in the US. Assuming it were within the government’s power to do so, wouldn’t it require a whole bunch of those spooky regulations and government meddling you hear so much about?

This is not to knock new or transformative technologies. But Google Glass is never going to be one, so why does the company keep trying?

Media definitely shitcanned google glass before actual consumers got the chance to.

I still don’t. There are a lot of potential applications for something like google glass. Someone was making HUD ski googles for skiing/snowboarding, there’s also the skully helmet for motorcyclists that has yet to surface but would be very nice to have. It could be pretty useful for private and commercial pilots

I’ve always wanted to try one and still do. As a motorcycle rider, this thing screamed that it was pushing my buttons as being an actual functional easy to use sat-nav whilst out riding. Ditto would go for cyclists!

Hmm, and your point is...Google should listen to jaded tech bloggers rather than industry professionals with a potential need. Adam Clark Pageviews has a nice ring to it.