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“Seriously, did they just zap a pound of blood out of him or something?”

Not sure if you caught the Buzzfeed piece yesterday (which is where this whole article is coming from) but essentially Bannon saw something in him that was useful and built him up. He had a built-in “defense” being a gay guy - “See, I can’t be _____ because I’m gay!” - but he also didn’t give a shit about being

This was shocking to me too- and then I remembered that the “liberal media” doesn’t really exist and never did.

Authoritarians gotta authoritate.

You’re right, everyone should have had the foresight to see he was hiding symptoms of a debilitating illness and never question players ever again.

Close, but Gord Miller is the greatest.

Listen to the sport’s best announcer, Jim Hughson

It’s bullshit that all these guys don’t know what these are. They were presented to the ATF by the NRA as a means of “helping handicapped sportsmen continue to enjoy the sport” in the same way that the NRA is pushing through silencer deregulation under the guise of “Hearing Protection”.

All of the information has been

Brian Pillman was in 1996 in the pre-internet days of pro-wrestling batshit fucking psycho. I still remember flipping on Monday Night Raw during the infamous Steve Austin/gun angle thinking someone got killed. Pillman knew how to play the psychotic wrestler to a T. By today’s standards that whole thing probably

Gotta love the logic some are applying that because Rodrigue had some bad tweets back in the day, they think they’re off-setting penalties and they’ll just replay the down.

They are just looking for someone more cultured.

They are trying to foment a full-scale culture war. That’s been the goal of the revanchists of Sessions’ type for the past 40 or 50 years.

All that acne seems to have infected his tiny brain.

I’m scaroused!

McDavid owned the Flames so much last night he’s already complaining about a lack of public financing for their new stadium.

Because the people in this administration hate-and I’m using that specific word intentionally-anyone who isn’t a wealthy Christian straight white cisgender male.

Here’s hoping the next thing he’s running for is his life.

Jason Allison

I don’t know if anyone can top Johan Garpenlov, the lets remember some guysiest guy there ever was.