
I mean, given that Dany’s heel-turn has been foreshadowed in fits and starts throughout the series (and is the likeliest of outcomes if and when GRR actually finishes his work), there’s some cause to say that the various and sundry Twitteratti who named their children “Daenerys” or “Khaleesi” probably should’ve seen

I guess we found superfan 99 over there.

The amount of political bumper stickers (regardless of political leanings) is directly proportional to the nuttiness of the owner/driver.

but there is a point to be made that in small sample sizes, these same strategies aren’t necessarily the best.

To quote Churchill, “Never have so many known so little about so much while getting paid to pontificate on the public airwaves.”

Arguments like this prove to me that none of these people truly get analytics.

There are literally zero teams, in baseball or any other major sport, that believe in and practice “analytics only.” That is a nonsense straw man beloved by people like Michael Kay who feel threatened by numbers they don’t understand. If the Yankees were “analytics only,” they would have hired a statistician to manage

[team sets MLB HR record, wins 100 games with a thoroughly average starting rotation, loses by a combined 27-14 run margin to team that won 108 regular season games ]

The left are the new puritans. This is where the totalitarian government will come from. 

I don’t disagree.

Who cares as long as they vote? News flash: the majority of humanity cares most about themselves and their own. Not everyone is an activist, not everyone wants to be, most people just want to live their lives and not have to worry about other shit that doesn’t directly affect them. And honestly, as long as they come

Please. The left wouldn’t be the left if they weren’t shitting on their own. Sometimes it pisses me off that my political beliefs mean that I have to constantly deal with judgy control freaks who love nothing more than to censor and tut-tut and shit on their own for never being perfect enough.

Yeah, I’m not exactly seeing what good the whole “you shoulda don it earlier” is supposed to do. OTOH, these are the people that wrote the whole “we’re to cool to vote” article the week before the election, so whatever.

This. It *hurts* me to defend her, but damn it, this is good. She’s late to the party, but she’s here, and we need a big turnout for the midterms and she’s helping with that. 

Jesus you guys. This is GOOD. Just let it be good.

I am far from a T-swift fan but I can’t help but find it ridiculous to be mad at this. Also it’s easy to shit on people after the fact.

I find the arbitrary nature of forgiveness and redemption among the outraged to be fascinating.


What about this combo solution:

I get so uncomfortable about the desire for people to suffer that goes against base tenets of mental health.