
As a former GA, I could totally see the wrong tape being exchanged between programs. For those who don’t know, teams actually send tape to the opposition in advance of games. It’s a gentleman’s agreement/means of control, but someone shipping the wrong tape is totally within the realm of possibility.

Can’t say his corner did him any favors, either. What could they have possibly said after Round 1? Because it sure wasn’t “Hey, go back to what we practiced.”

I dare someone to tell me Antonio Brown wasn’t holding a fake dick for his celebration.

Mexican consumers:

But what’s up with TSwift, tho?

I just realized that Trump is gonna pull a Sam Rothstein from “Casino”: after he loses, he’ll take up residence in a casino and start a regular TV show where he bitches about how he’s been wronged, featuring a slew of ‘celebrity’ interviews.

Likewise, replace “Donald Trump” with “the Bible” or “Jesus,” and the principle is the same. This phenomenon is neither new nor difficult to see.

And oh by the way, you alienated and refused to talk to one of your best friends until nearly his death when your brother basically made you reconcile.

Guess they’ll be sending this Familia matter to the Jeurys.

Swing state.

Still cheaper than infrastructure upgrates, amirite?

Discussing this with a coworker led to me coming here to start what should never be an argument but always is: Reese’s is not pronounced REE-SEEs.

It’s jell, not gel. Always.

I, too, perform better for Cooter.

“I look like I’m balding”

Ok, Mike, you take 22 dudes from 1980 and I’ll take 22 dudes from 2010. See you on the field in a week.

Damn, Jackie Chan looks terrible these days.

Ah, the Ford Mustang solution to the Trolley Problem.