Batshit McGee

It was pretty amazing. It has to be a record for “most incorrect responses in a winning effort” in Jeopardy history. He missed pretty much every other time he rang in. 

Hey, last night Ryan was down to the leading contestant $10,200 to negative $200, with maybe 7 or 8 clues left on the board. And he ended Double Jeopardy up $14,600 to $10,200, and then won Final Jeopardy with something like $25,000. The other contestant looked like

Final Jeopardy should have been “Name a football team. Any team, and you will win.”

Btw, add Kristine Moore She headed up that sham of a Title IX hearing that illegally withheld evidence from the victim, and then allowed Nassar a say in selecting the “medical experts” to review the case, including one doctor who was later caught stealing files on Nassar’s behalf. Moore has since been promoted to

Toucher & Rich?

People these days. All these snowflakes go right to their mommy blogs when I correct them on facebook by telling them, “Actually, your kid seems a little ‘cunty’.” Now I’m not welcome at Thanksgiving anymore. Did I make a big deal about it when their kid had an allergic reaction at my Super Bowl party? No. I told them

The most upsetting part of this story is that I had to listen to 33 seconds of WEEI just to get to the soundbite in question. Boston sports shows are the worst.

Good. Someone bring me the head of both Karyolis while we are at.

Watch out, his hair is making a break for it!

Do some just not feel guilt or remorse the same ways as others? I just struggle to understand. I have often tried to put myself in other’s shoes and it just doesn’t compute with me.

It seems very similar to teachers who work in private schools and molest children. They usually end up leaving one institution (voluntarily, not because they were fired, mind you) and simply go find work elsewhere. The school they left figures “Problem solved!” so why bother contacting other institutions to let them

“I have high expectations and high standards and I am passionate about coaching our gymnasts to realize their full potential.”

I have no inside knowledge, and I’ll probably get this totally wrong, but I’ve gotta think it snowballed. They tried to cover up the first few reports to cover their own asses, then the next few, and then they realized the problem was way bigger than their pathetic, self-serving, miserable, piece of shit organization

Good on you Mattie! Sometimes, the professionalism displayed in the courts by these girls hides the true feelings they have. Dropping that F bomb on national TV in front of this piece of shit is exactly what should have been said. God willing he pulls an aaron hernandez quickly so we don’t have to pay for his meals.


Mayo is simply eggs and oil, two ingredients already in pancakes. WHY DOES EVERYONE FREAK OUT ABOUT MAYO IN THEIR FOOD. MAyo is fine people, MAYO IS GOOD*

I am a teacher (High school math, formerly English and History), and I cannot find this amusing. I remember being 9 and getting mad when a teacher was wrong. Germany isn’t landlocked Mrs. Hampton!

I assumed it was a reference to the Apgar score for newborns. A 10 would indeed be impressive.

Yeah, he should have his own sports column.