Seattle Scampi

I thought this guy was all about avoiding nightshades?

Don’t mess with perfection. Maybe add a nice tape deck.

“Were it not OSU this is not news”

If the ball sports owners really wanted to sink e-sports, they would have the Kroenkes buy as many teams and leagues as possible.

Oh good. Another arrangement of deck chairs on the Titanic.

Weird that these types of articles are always written after a series against the Mariners.

If Nadal is going to stand next to the line judges, everyone should be dink serving him. Especially on a grass court.

It’s coming home.

Awesome. As an independent, they will be able to make their own schedule. Time to schedule 10 games against UCF.


We can just start calling it Western Idaho.

No! Not the camo jersey guy!

Some Sox are red

I would say something nice about the Storm, but I don’t want my knees to explode.

Depends on his diet.


Get well Drew.

Has anyone checked in on Giri?

How many years away are we from GM Kobe?

You need reliability, awd, and a mid-engine. Toyota Previa.