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    “On Zoom, nobody can hear you guzzle.”

    To quote The Great Celia Rivenbark, “You can’t drink all day if you don’t start at breakfast!”

    The Villages (Sumter County, central west Florida) is a cluster of retirement communities with a population of 132,000. Eighty percent of the residents are over 65. Median age is 72. Golf will continue to be allowed during social distancing (ok, Boomer!). It’s a mix of single-family dwellings, townhouses and

    Yes, print it on toilet paper, we need more toilet paper.

    Zika seems like one we dodged. It was also set to hit South Florida like a runaway train and then ... it didn’t. In the end, Florida got fewer Zika cases that year than we did in our recurring struggle with E3 (Eastern Equine Encephalitis, aka “Florida polio.”

    Please live. Please.

    My SIL has the symptoms, but could not get tested, so he went on a Coke binge. Did I mention his father is in hospice, unable to speak, maybe 72 hours left? 9 month granddaughter is with us, but 4 is with her bio dad’s mother, and that bugs me b/c her hair salon didn’t close until Tuesday. My own mom is 90. Got some

    Six episodes on YouTube, free: the BBC TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPY (1978 version with Alec Guinness, not the Gary Oldham movie). Melancholy, exciting, the best acting TV ever saw, gorgeous European settings, Patrick Stewart’s first TV job, and did I mention Alec Guiness? Not to missed.

    Let’s start a petition: Every time Trump pats himself on the back, he has to touch his face.

    Donald Trump has the Secret Service sworn to look after him. I grew up in a neighborhood where several guys went into the Service. If you live in DC, that’s like being a college football star. The Service will keep him safe. Sorry if that bursts your bubble.

    Dude, drinking a Mike’s Hard? I think you meant to say, “Guzzling Margaritaville Tequila straight from the bottle.” Mike’s Hard Lemonade is for [sniffs] Auburn fans.

    I think money for healthcare is more important that billionaire lives. Eat them and spend their money on masks, medicine, ventilators and food.

    That outfit screams, “I shop at the same boutique as  Betsy DeVos!”

    Start a petition, dude: every time Trump pats himself on the back, he has to touch his face.

    No, no, God loved him so much that He wants the guy by his side.

    Y’know, when Birx presented her resume to the media, one thing she took extra pride in was guiding the Army’s response to AIDSin the 80s. That being the case, why did anyone expect better?

    I may not be truly Shakespearean, but I am reliably stentorian.

    Food stylists are the folks who use glycerine, creme  brûlée torches and lighting to make the food in advertisements gleam (literally). It occurs to me that a top food stylist who put his/her secrets in a book would have a best seller.

    + MANY for “cosplay governance.”

    A $1200 check? Cool! Now I can go to that dark ally and buy thee rolls of toilet paper?