
My man, all I know is in my early 60s, I’m damn glad my shop had a 401(k) plan. And you act like it’s some kind of Ponzi scheme.

Bottom line, a Deadspin writer has a red ass. Not exactly new news.

Andy, you might be on to something there.

I think.

I can’t do math in my head.

Never again will I use the phrase “showing your ass” unless it truly merits it like on this occasion.

I’m so ashamed that I just checked out Onaway, Mich., on Google Maps.

Trevor Bauer is a tool, but Mike Francesca is the whole stinkin’ toolbox.

Courageous post. My heart and respect go out to you.

I was.

If I didn’t know it was bad from the live shots, Tessitore’s tone made it clear it was pretty bad.

The amount of tax dollars doesn’t matter. It’s the metaphor that public money goes to an activity that leaves men dead or damaged.”

I’ve got to tell ya, that is a metaphor that I wish would be retired. Anyone who says that doesn’t pay taxes in a vacuum. It’s part of life.

I would find it very hard to like that post more than I do. Exactly the way I feel.

Should you stop and think about it, it’s absolutely incredible how many Kinja comment threads that post could fit comfortably in.

Ducking prior to response, but ... Sweet Caroline can be pretty awesome in the right venue. Saw it two years ago at a Penn State football game. The crowd was into it, and the place just shook when their lyrics boomed out.

Jumping on the corpse with both feet is considered a jerkish move. The guy just owned up to this one.

Text Manfred. He’ll change the rules of baseball again within 13 minutes of your message.

That post was worth a +1, actually. Owning one’s own humblebrag is the opposite of humblebrag.

How about the hitter can choose to run for third rather than first and finish with a swing-and-miss triple?

I’m not sure what I find more tiresome — Deadspin playing media policeman or the sycophants going nuclear at anyone who questions Deadspin playing media policeman.

I’m too lazy to do it, but I’m stunned nobody has registered for the message board under the handle Stewart Zimmel.

I saw good things — and I adore Pulisic, who grew up about 20 minutes from here — but you know what I think we miss? The one-touch passing game that Mexico showed after halftime, a style that is in no short supply among the sport’s elite sides.

They were passing to mates just coming off their cuts, because they

This was a very good point, Atkins — that previous generations didn’t want their families’ dirty laundry out in public, and who knows how many suffered because of it.

It’s like the Jerry Sandusky tragedy ... I am positive there were many Jerry Sanduskys out there who were just looked upon as “Creepy Uncle Jerry” by

Yup. +1.