I must ask, Luis ... did the first paragraph come from the left side of your mouth, and the second paragraph from the right side?
I must ask, Luis ... did the first paragraph come from the left side of your mouth, and the second paragraph from the right side?
Nothing. You get it, at least.
Here’s the point.
Here’s your head.
You’re an idiot.
Nope. It’s just her soccer ability that’s important in a soccer game. Fuck right off and have a blessed day.
You guys would be the first to clutch pearls if you came across a headline entitled “Heterosexual Goddess Scores Game-Winner.”
Sounds like someone gets uppity when faced with conflicting viewpoints. Your seat in the Republican bleachers remains warm.
Like most of your fellow sycophants, you confuse readers who want intelligence in their reading with Barstool readers.
The “grays” tend to be the only ones who question anything Deadspin writers spit out.
Carry on with your echo chamber.
Please don’t take this as an anti-gay sentiment, because it is not.
But we will really have advanced as a society when a player’s sexual orientation isn’t included in the headline of one of her finest athletic moments.
Second time you’ve gone that route in one thread.
“Love it...she turned an entire World Cup team run about herself....just like Hope Solo did at the Olympics...team is doomed now....cannot stand how politics are in sports...after supporting the US Women’s team since 1999 I am done..no more for me.”
This right here is why Systempoet had the right idea — because people…
Precisely what “cowardice” do you see if MLB decides not to invite Ohtani? I mean, I’d love to see him in it, but get over yourself.
No, you’re full of shit and one guy agreed with you.
A big heapin’ helpin’ of whataboutism doesn’t help your point one fucking bit.
You’re really taking the contrarian view on this? Really? That’s pretty sad.
IMO, that’s just the mindset that put us in our current predicament. People wanted change. They didn’t much care who; they wanted change. Well, you’d better make sure that you have the patience to find somebody with a clue.
Man, if you’re checking the history of strangers’ Kinja accounts, you have wayyyyy too much time on your hands.
Here’s the danger — comparing anything to Trump. Trump is an outlier, a bad outlier. We shouldn’t be thinking in terms of “doing better than Trump.” We should be thinking in terms of getting the best damn President in U.S. history.
The eyes, they peer into my soul.