
Well, you sorta provided proof right there, tiger.

I’m trying to figure out whether this was all written tongue-in-cheek, or if you’re actually serious. I hope it was the former.

Separate the artist from the art. It’s not that difficult.

I was going to comment on dynasties, but ... well ... I know Ray’s reading the comments.

And there you have it from Laura Wagner, Deadspin’s moral outrage editor. Don’t forget to tip and genuflect on your way out.

Your reaction is simply proof you have a good heart. Hang in there.

Baseball’s dumb? You’re dumb.

There. I feel better.

Mr. Buecheler, you have raised the level of discourse on this thread.

I just don’t know what we’re going to do about you. ;)

Oooooh. Hot take.

We do so love the hounds being released.

“Predictable moral tic.”

This is why we like you.

Spelling it Gretsky is a great sign of disrespect.

A close cousin to the “respect troll” you’re talking about is the young person who tells everyone, “I’m never going to take any shit from anyone.”

EVERYONE has to take some shit sometimes. The ones who refuse to are serving you the next time you hit the drive-through window.

I cannot stand it when people try to force politics into something else. But you’re the ranking social warrior, so ...

The fact that you made it through the other end of this means a lot to a lot of people. Always hold onto that.

I guess that could be considered an admission that you took the most simplistic, tunnel-visioned way of looking at it.


I always have trouble with people judging others’ priorities in life.

Again, not the argument to be made. A stupid argument, in fact.

Get rid of the electoral college and then play the game ... or, in this case, lose at the game.

You really act as if the electoral college does not exist.

It exists. You don’t have to like it. I don’t like what it brought us here. But don’t go dying on the “she had more people vote for her” hill. She lost the elecction by the rules that were in place. Deal with that.

Well, this sad old dickhead in his 60s knows that they didn’t click every time in the early years of SNL, either. It remains better than anything else on TV on a late Saturday night. (Using your words so somebody who doesn’t read closely thinks I’m a clueless millennial like you.)