
When there's a shit ton of people going down a narrow space waiting in a queue, I don't give a shit how long an escalator is, I'll take the broken one. I see none of those people walking up or down either of those moving escalators - they're all standing there with their thumbs up their asses.

Sorry. Double post.

Nice. You know it broke because EVERYONE was too lazy to take the broken escalator down, and the escalator's load capacity was exceeded. I mean, look at all the people spilling off of it... Wouldn't hurt them to actually slightly exert themselves WALKING DOWN SOME STAIRS. These people make me proud... To not be

Hey, Mr Elephant... WHY DID YOU TURN?

With this article you'd think io9er's have never watched Arronofsky's Pi or something.

They're like the Technic series. Lego for adults. Mucho sadness for not at least having new Architecture sets.

Which will definitely payoff when they're looking for work, considering how visually convincing it was and how popular the video got to be.

The "advertising" logic of the Infiniti dealership baffles me. "Your Audi got frozen, here's a new car for nothing." What exactly are they trying to achieve here? Do they think that they'll get more customers for giving clueless douchenozzles free cars? Do they plan on giving everyone that gets repairs done a free

I'm confused by the size of that apple. I can't decide if it's a gigantic apple, in relation to Optimus Prime's size or a very tiny one, in relation the LG Optimus' size.

Unless you're Brad Bird, and you actually take weight into considerable account in your animations (ala Incredibles and Ratatouille). Supposedly it was actually one of the key things that he emphasized with his animators, which helped the look and feel of the features a lot. /nerd out.


Found this, as well. Super sweetness.

On another note, these photos are pretty accurate in portraying how my girlfriend deals with her technology troubles.

WTF IS WITH THE SITE LAYOUT? I swear, every time I come onto the site and start reading an article, the whole layout switches to blog view after I get a few sentences in, with this BIG ASS RED SAMSONITE SHIT VOMITED ALL OVER THE SCREEN. Then I can't even hit back on the browser to get back to what I was reading,

Correction: Marc Webb. Snyder's on the Superman movie.

@nitespark99: @Relyt: @Wade McGillis: @geolemon:

Initial impression: that GUI is horrendous. All that real estate has so much potential, that it hurts to see it so empty.

Maybe this has something to do with the Aurora Borealis being visible in the southern hemisphere. Magnetic fields and f'ing up flock brains and their sense of navigation.

Meh. It's just a Nikon. If it was a Canon, the funny car would've just bounced off of it like a whiffle ball.

Looks like he could be the same guy inolved with Canon's promo... [vimeo.com]