Why's "full screen view" such a great and amazing thing? Is that such a foreign concept to Mac users? I thought Windows had a full screen option... I think it was called the Maximize button...
Why's "full screen view" such a great and amazing thing? Is that such a foreign concept to Mac users? I thought Windows had a full screen option... I think it was called the Maximize button...
@jrreyes: Just to add, it would be the same permits required to run a parade or other organized gathering. So the cop wouldn't be at fault for unsafely plowing through the closed area?
The argument that the set folks are at fault here or that the emergency vehicle had priority is negligible, considering the fact that it was a closed set. As in, folks had to get legal permits to close these streets just like they would if there was construction going on. If that cop had gone through an actual…
Maybe if it was made by a legit motorcycle gear company like Alpinestars or (more likely, due to their bling reputation) Icon, it would be more appealing. Otherwise this can't be any better protection than a flimsy leather jacket from Wilsons.
@DoogieFullHouser: Despite the fact that the RR's screen has little use other than when tucked in, I'll give him that. But seriously, I'd be more than happy on a couch-like SV compared to the plank of a first gen RR.
Dude. You have an SV. Do 600+ miles in one day (Seattle to Redding, CA) on a 600RR and write an article about that.
@lostarchitect: As much as I can agree with this, I wouldn't be surprised if you start seeing hordes of these tents at Laguna or Indy next year, or any other major bike events throughout the country.
@demonfafa: because he is one. His ginger friend should've kicked his ass a long time ago. Especially for hitting on the ginger's sister.
Despite all the anti-Snyders and super critics, I still say he makes some of the most visually gripping, still very entertaining movies. The guy should be the standard for bringing comic books/video games to life.
That last one is all kinds of WTF. The others were obvious as to what their combined forms were supposed to represent but that last one is a... 7-legged, headless camel?
@Behrditz: + wow
wtf? Only up to 15 inch laptops? Small laptop people win again.
@rootyb: *cough*opticalillusion*cough*
What's the defining line between wagons and hatchbacks? Or 5-doors for that matter?
@Desu-San-Desu: and I needed a nice reminder of why I love Boondock Saints so much.
@Chevydogger: heh. Was going to post this myself, but wasn't surprised to see that this was the first suggestion . Just to pose the question: are we looking for the "I'm not quite as bad ass as I want to look" asshole or the "I'm self-righteous and am better than you" asshole? The aforementioned car above fits the…
All I saw was a seemingly naked Eliza Dushku. What's the article about?
@SigmundTheSeaMonster: Please come to Seattle. I'll help you, and I'm sure within weeks, we can have the roads cleared and open for people who actually have driving etiquette and common sense.
The Subaru Impreza from Colfax, WA. The years I spent at WSU only 15 minutes away from this town of 3000+ were spent dreading the days I had to go through it to get back to civilization. Ask any WSU alum that's a car enthusiast - you DID NOT go over the speed limit within Colfax's city limits, lest this Subaru finds…