
Admit it. Classic zombies just aren't all that scary anymore. Now, running, tireless zombies... That brought back the 3-year-old's-fear-of-the-undead I had from when I first watched Thriller.

Having played the PoP trilogy and the new one, not continuing with PoP 08 theme wouldn't be anything I'd miss. It was a unique game in itself, but it did so much to be different from its predecessors that it ended up just stealing the series' title. I'm not even sure if it can be called a reboot, as it doesn't carry

@tony.geezy: it's like Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes!

Just finished playing this myself a few nights ago, and was waiting for Giz's writers to see what their take on it was. Pretty much summed it up for me above.

seattle has the shittiest traffic because they have the highest population of dumbass drivers. the traffic wouldn't be that bad, otherwise.

goddamnit. i told my grandma to stop going to the dmv after the 287th time. she never listens. #baddrivers

up next: video games gave me cancer. #videogames

no, no, no. state troopers. you're supposed to do this to the state troopers' rides. the city cops are cool. #policecruisers

@VEX: nay. 'tis an auto helmet.

stopping might've been a good idea.