
A little off-topic, but the Seattle to Portland ride just opened for registration and I got myself signed up - any similar tips for a newbie cyclist ramping up for such an event?

Random suggestion regarding Amazon links on Deals: There's Amazon Smile, which, if purchased through, donates to a charity of the buyer's choice (at no additional cost). Figured if you guys are going to be sharing (tons of) Amazon links, it wouldn't hurt to help out folks in need at the same time. All the links work,

Story time!

My favorite will always be the one that he gave me when I interviewed him for my senior project over 14 years ago...

So... The best analogy I can think of for this is a camera for the interior of your car. Install a camera in your car so you can see who comes into it and messes around with your seat adjustment and radio station!

Soooo... as a child were you never given a single item - stuffed animal, action figure, even a simple blanket for a cape - that spurred your imagination even in the slightest bit? Ever? If not, I'd like to send you a hug, man.

Whatever the hell this kid wants to wear. In this case, a make-shift aviator hat and goggles. Your question came off as judging his fashion sense. If that's the case, then really? He's a kid. Let him be one.

Shouldn't dispute the Power Rangers angle, should just tack it on to the rest of the nostalgic, iconic cartoons, shows, and movies that a lot of folks grew up with in the '80s and '90s. Pacific Rim basically brought all the feelings of watching those shows as a kid and sawed-off shotgunned them onto the screen a

As you should have, like anyone else that has the slightest ounce of fun in their bones. If you did not giggle with glee throughout this movie, you have no soul.

Was going to say this. The rest of the movie can go jump off a cliff, but the first several minutes was some the most beautiful images I've ever seen on screen.

The theme today is change. Specifically, the change that comes from facing problems through direct action. Protest. Architecture. Travel. Whatever.

The weight... is a sign of reliability.

It was more of a comment on coming out of left field and bursting someone's bubble because you've seen/heard/done something better, that didn't really have anything to do with the original statement in the first place.

Now playing

There were lots in Sunshine. Personal favorite was the Mercury scene, though...

So the Fifth Element got it wrong... It's a black hole, instead of a planet...

I have a bike. It's track only. Why don't I have a street bike? Because of other people on the road. I rode for years on the street, and I've gotten tired of having to watch out for everyone else trying to kill me, and all the cops singling me out, simply for being on a sport bike. So track only and racing it is, and

Now playing

"This Video of Venus Crossing the Sun Seems Straight Out of Sunshine"

My kind of people...

I find it amusing that a lot of these characters were designed by Rob Liefeld: Epitome of early '90s comics.

WTF? This is all backwards. Sokka should be Luke, because Sokka and Katara are the siblings, and Aang should be Han because him and Appa are the inseparable buddies. And Zuko should be Vader, not the Emperor, because Zuko is the antihero, as Vader is.