
A little off-topic, but the Seattle to Portland ride just opened for registration and I got myself signed up - any similar tips for a newbie cyclist ramping up for such an event?

Story time!

So... The best analogy I can think of for this is a camera for the interior of your car. Install a camera in your car so you can see who comes into it and messes around with your seat adjustment and radio station!

The theme today is change. Specifically, the change that comes from facing problems through direct action. Protest. Architecture. Travel. Whatever.

The weight... is a sign of reliability.

It was more of a comment on coming out of left field and bursting someone's bubble because you've seen/heard/done something better, that didn't really have anything to do with the original statement in the first place.

Now playing

There were lots in Sunshine. Personal favorite was the Mercury scene, though...

So the Fifth Element got it wrong... It's a black hole, instead of a planet...

I have a bike. It's track only. Why don't I have a street bike? Because of other people on the road. I rode for years on the street, and I've gotten tired of having to watch out for everyone else trying to kill me, and all the cops singling me out, simply for being on a sport bike. So track only and racing it is, and

Now playing

"This Video of Venus Crossing the Sun Seems Straight Out of Sunshine"

My kind of people...

I find it amusing that a lot of these characters were designed by Rob Liefeld: Epitome of early '90s comics.

WTF? This is all backwards. Sokka should be Luke, because Sokka and Katara are the siblings, and Aang should be Han because him and Appa are the inseparable buddies. And Zuko should be Vader, not the Emperor, because Zuko is the antihero, as Vader is.

Fuck Seattle and its fucking clouds.

The house must be built on a pile of dead babies or something because the photographer made it a point not to show the foundation WHATSOEVER. WTF, douchebag? SHOW THE HOUSE.

Tin Man only worked because of Zooey. Anything works with Zooey in it.

this. this is why it looks strange. you can land the spruce goose on there.

Ha. If you haven't, yet, watch FLCL.

I love that GoPro demo vid SOOO MUCH. I would like to give it babies.