
It jumped out of my hand. Honest. Mousicide.

Woot. I've had the Performance MX and it's predecessor (Revolution?), before it had the unifying receiver (I accidentally dropped it like a bowling ball on concrete SAD FACE) for several years. Do I win something? I'd really like to win something for being awesome before Giz told me I was awesome.

oriental is what a rug is.

Speaking of Shinichiro Watanabe... Guld's death at the end of Macross Plus in the movie version (which kind of sucks compared to the OAV - but there's some good additions to it) was pretty intense. While piloting a fighter with his mind, he basically turns himself to mush in the cockpit due to the extreme g force

This is exactly what I was thinking as I read this. Albeit, some consideration could've been taken to be more unique, but this is the nature of design, especially when it comes to minimalism.

Only if you keep riding out on the public streets. Track riding. Best thing ever. And safer in more ways than one.

I like Limitless' take on memory recall better. That and there were drugs involved.

Have fun trying to find that 600RR that's pictured... because that's a 1000RR.


The second one is also by Tony Daniel (as opposed to Jim Lee).

This list lacks Sheex.

I hit those roads, too, but not on such a regular basis. I've long since gotten out of that region. As gorgeous as it is out there, I can only drink so much to pass the time.

Also, Hwy 36 in California.

Probably not the twistiest, and definitely not the longest, but it's a slice of heaven for anyone stuck out in Eastern Washington putting in their time at WSU or U of I. Old Spiral Hwy just outside Lewiston, ID. Took the time to do this every other end of the day while out there. Kept me from resorting to cow tipping

More likely it fizzled out because Michelle Bachmann prayed for forgiveness and she was answered...

This doesn't even have to be a photoshop. It's just foreshortening. If that's not the case, that's the most gigantic pitchfork I've ever seen.