in the 70s it could be both
in the 70s it could be both
I feel like “child stardom used to be terrible and destructive, but we’re making it better now we promise” has been a familiar narrative my entire life. I don’t know whether condemning “the parents” is justified, but if it is perhaps the error was in letting their kids get into the industry in the first place, rather…
That sounds like kind of badass tattoo actually
I remember there was a series of really weird rules from people who worked for him that came out before the social media era. The one that I remember was that people who worked in his house weren’t allowed to speak to him, make eye contact, or turn their backs to him. So if he came into a room they had to leave…
I just hope someone is there to remind Sunspot that he has super-strength but not invulnerability.
Aided by villainous exotic dancer Boobs Radley
I’m pretty sure Apollo Creed is the coolest name in fiction.
What is she currently known as?
This may be the second worst thing ever done by a Red Ranger.
I say that. But then I say “How do these two fuck” at every wedding I go to. Loudly and usually in the middle of the ceremony. I don’t get invited to many weddings anymore.
So basically Infiniti isn’t the only brand with a Q model.
“the original cast members of the supernatural series Charmed are still at war with each other,” while the original cast members of the comparatively charmed series Supernatural all seem to get along swimmingly.
I loved his movie Heartbeeps
Is it really true that “Lindsay Lohan has experienced a much deserved renaissance over the past few years”?
AI Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo
AI Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo
AI Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo
AI Shark
The Sheldon-verse?
I was really into the first season of Mandalorian and I even liked de-aged Luke Skywalker at the end, but I’d have been fine with it ending there. The closer it gets to core Star Wars, jedis and shit, the less interesting I find it.
Why can’t he just quietly defraud the children of Mississippi like a normal quarterback?
I think a strong contender in this genre is the weight-lifting grandpa ad.
This ain’t your granddad’s Battle Beyond The Stars!