John Robie

I recall there was a pretty big backlash against her at the time - I think that Kanye subsequently going full Kanye has mostly swept that under the rug.

Even after a year of strikes, the money guys really seem to think they’re the heart of the movies rather than rent seekers living off the work of creatives.

Absolutely yes

Yeah hopefully it gets stuffed into a locked filing cabinet in the BBC’s basement right next to “The Doctor is half-human.” (with a sign on the door saying “Beware of the Leopard”)

I was under the impression that no one ever wanted the Cartmel Masterplan but they got it anyway. 

All Cops Appreciate Batteries. 

Is she strong?

Their goal is to defeat Zeke.” Superhero movie, or Andy Griffith Show episode?

How much can the remains of a media website cost - anyone down for buying this place out? 

[pushes up glasses] Since the Marvel Comics version of Captain Marvel only dates back to like 1967, a Beatles song would probably be referencing the Fawcett/DC character now called Shazam.

I’m just disappointed that the Top Gun sequel didn’t see Tom Cruise go to congress and then get jailed for accepting bribes - ideally tossing a bag full of cash and dirty laundry into Kelly McGillis’s back yard the night before getting sentenced.

There is is. 

Hook up with the entity, then it has to kill itself before it gets to you.

Erik is a good guy and a great talent. If anyone has cash to spare, I’d encourage you to donate.

The hang-out vibe is why I mostly watch Rifftrax and MST3K on Twitch. Chat makes it more fun - especially because the friends I used to watch this sort of thing with are now far away and busy.

Leonard Part 6 would like a word.

I didn’t remember when I wrote the comment, but this may be the reason I didn’t finish the series.

I didn’t watch the entire series, but I got the impression that Penny Dreadful did “Shared Horror Universe” well.  Albeit on TV rather than film.

Well sure, but are people finally brave enough to call it a Henry Selick movie?