John Robie

I’m pretty agnostic on the bounce vs sequence thing except that least interesting parts of the game show for me are the “game” part. Optimized betting and strategy is boring , I just want to see if I know more answers than these nerds. Similarly, I think runaway games are fine - as a viewer, I’m not getting any money

Seeing all of these together, it’s strange how hit and miss Adult Swim has been for me. I loved a lot of these, and others I bounced off of with the kind of revulsion usually reserved for finding a large slug on your toothbrush.

Jerry goes to the bathroom at Monk’s, cut to black. “Don’t Stop Believin’ starts playing...

Now playing

There’s a good Kyle Hill video called “Why Hiroshima Isn’t a Nuclear Wasteland. While always I knew Hiroshima wasn’t a nuclear wasteland, I didn’t always understand why, and I think this is a good explanation.  

Hologram Man, Meth Lady

If you’re not accompanying/meeting someone, the only selling point is that almost no one would have guns. 

Back when I was reading Invincible and characters like Savage Dragon would show up in big issues, I saw something from one of the Image creators that explained their approach to canon was basically: there’s a shared universe to the extent that it lets them do fun stories, but not so much that it holds them back.


Stop the presses! “HANDSOME MAN: NICE”

To the extent that this is at all a big deal, it’s because most of the time the sole Republican qualification for any government job is “old white guy in a suit.” That’s how you get neophytes like Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State, and Mick Mulvaney in any of several jobs he was supposedly doing concurrently. They lo

I’m starting to think he doesn’t really want us to take his wife. Even though he said please. 

demi lovato is in a relationship with the state ideology of north korea?

Chuck Woolery catching strays over here.

“Warm” was the adjective that came to mind for me also, in imagining the difference between McKellen’s Gandalf and what Lee’s Gandalf might have been.

“the term “nepo baby” has never been more popular - Possibly because it’s a dumb term that didn’t exist 3 weeks ago? 

I highly recommend clicking play on the Custard video then scrolling down to the Bandit gif. 

I hope this is good - it has the advantage of not being hobbled by the Skywalker story.

I really liked Moon Knight (except for the Khonshu Kaiju-fight), but I realize that’s probably a minority opinion. 

“Ice Cube made the leap to the silver screen with Friday

Yeah, a problem with “per-watch” is that the number of times a subscriber watches a title doesn’t really capture the value of that title either to the subscriber or the service.