“Zien” seems like an unusual name. I wonder if the little girl from Electra is married to a relative of the guy who voiced Howard the Duck
“Zien” seems like an unusual name. I wonder if the little girl from Electra is married to a relative of the guy who voiced Howard the Duck
I guess inserting images doesn’t work anymore
Marvin Gaye’s father (a member of his family) shot Marvin Gaye (a musician) to death.
This is the worst thing that a member of Marvin Gaye’s family has ever done to a musician.
Vanilla Ice looks great though.
I was not expecting to see ABC describe someone as a “goth hottie.” The past is another, stupider country.
It’ll be unremarked for a while. In about 6-8 months when the wheel turns and entertainment writers decide it’s time to tear her down, it’ll be excavated by people who “never liked her attitude.”
Nah - while Marvel’s Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) started as a mere attempt to snag the well-known name, in trying to make the character work, they adopted some of the aspects of Shazam-Marvel: Instead of a kid saying a magic word to transform into an adult superhero, everybody’s kid-sidekick Rick Jones would bang his…
Coming to say the same thing.
Woof - most these are kind of a stretch. Leaving aside characters who are clear carbon copies of others (e.g. Superman=Hyperion & Gladiator, Batman=Nighthawk) there are probably better analogues for most. Let’s find out:
Are The Authority “really connected” to Superman now? (The last time I read The Authority, they weren’t even in the main DC continuity. Could be interesting to do a movie version of “What’s So Funny About Truth Justice and the American way” with the actual Authority instead of stand-ins. Not necessarily good, but…
This is precisely my problem with “Hakuna Matata.” But just because a character says a thing, it doesn’t mean the movie or the filmmakers are advocating that message. In context of the film it’s pretty clear that “run[ning] away from the problems she created and eschew[ing] any notion of responsibility or morality”…
This feels like one of those where a creator had a concept that they couldn’t get made, and so they grafted it onto an existing property. That can sometimes work, but hanging a lampshade on “this isn’t your grandfather’s scooby doo” in the promo isn’t the best sign.
I had a Dodge Avenger as a rental once too. It was fine. I didn’t even dislike it, but when driving through a rainstorm, the trunk lid somehow filled up with water, and the water just stayed up in there. Opening the trunk sounded like moving an aquarium around. It didn’t speak well of the build quality.
I watched Eternals and more-or-less enjoyed it, but just had to look up who the out queer character was.
oh damn
I still think he should take over the franchise.
It’s-a da big one! I’m-a comin’ Elizabeth! Here we go!”
Kids are people. If you don’t want to share space with other people, stay home.