We’re really calling Taken a “middling” action movie? The sequels, sure. But the first one is one of the better action films of the last 20 years.
We’re really calling Taken a “middling” action movie? The sequels, sure. But the first one is one of the better action films of the last 20 years.
Nah, the quarter-mile one is the only line that’s really entered the pop culture lexicon. Since you bring the others up I vaguely remember them being in the movie but that’s about it.
We’re already confused!
Or Mo Cheeks helping out Natalie Gilbert when she blanked on the anthem before an NBA playoff game:
Tina Fey just laid it all out in an interview with Conan O’Brien. “It’s a schedule built around cocaine. Then the Seventies end. As far as I knew, nobody was doing cocaine when I was on the show, but they still kept the schedule.”
No sane person has a problem with Israel’s right to exist. Most of us just have a problem with Israel’s opinion that Palestine shouldn’t exist
Funny the theater exec mentions concessions, since the price of those has been a major turn-off for moviegoers. Spending north of $100 to take my family to a movie is not a great return on investment.
But WHY? I mean if you have the streaming service for it why would you want to pay more money on top of that just to see it in a theater? I mean at this point most people have huge big screen tv’s, I’m an old and grew up with CRT’s, and a soundbar or better at home. I am not opposed to going to the theater, but…
I would add that CEOs are all about maximizing short term profit (I may not be here in 5 years!) and if that means killing the goose that lays the golden eggs for goose meat now, they’ll do it.
Not sure if I’m right, but my understanding is that the whole idea of these platform exclusive movies is to get people to subscribe. If people can go see it in cinemas, they may just do that and not subscribe. (I wonder if Glass Onion only appeared in cinemas at all because Rian Johnson required it in his contract…
Honestly, I don’t miss the movie theater experience mainly because it was extremely rare for me to have a good theater experience. The best experiences I’ve ever had in theaters were when hardly anyone else was there.
Pretty much at the same speed as movie theaters got worse, too. Like as they cut staff, the audiences just get more brazen about talking and having their phones out, the pre-show commercials keep increasing, and the seats fall further into disrepair. Plus the few attempts at theater innovation have all just been…
Thinking about it, my theater going time really started to drop when they started showing commercials. I’m paying $10+ to see commercials? Fuck that! I pay money so I can not watch commercials on streaming services, I pay money so I can not hear commercials on Sirius, I am not paying any money to theaters so I can…
Yup. The mistake they made was thinking that people cared about the movie experience. That was pretty dumb since they already knew people would watch crappy movies, so they should not have been surprised that people would be content to watch those crappy movies a few weeks later on smaller screens.
Thank you Sony!
Idiots: Madame Web is a bad movie.
My world of flops was probably THE series that I most missed. Very pleased to have it back and, yeah, Madame Web seems the perfect relaunch.
It’s Rabin! Now bring back Sean O’Neil, Tasha Robinson, and Zodiac Motherfucker!
Good god! They really are reviving the old A.V. Club, aren’t they? What’s next? A takedown review by Ignatiy? The long-prophesied return of Snarkmaster General Sean O’Neal himself?!