John Robie

Kind of literally what with the apparent resurrection of the Cartmel Masterplan, and all. 

Like all those asshole bosses say: if you got time to die, you got time to clean. 

He went to work as EP on Jeopardy after Trebek’s cancer diagnosis was announced, and was the first person they slotted in as a “guest host.”  Sure looks like this was all a sham, and the decision was made before it started.

Mike Richards went to work at Jeopardy after Trebek’s cancer was announced. Looks like this was the plan all along, and the various “guest hosts” were to keep the show running, and keep it in the news until they could install him behind the podium without it looking unseemly. 


The root of the problem with this thing was that it was, for want of a better word, dorky.

I’ve always had an unreasonable(?) hatred for the symbiotes. Venom was bad and Carnage was worse.

Something odd: Privacy Sandbox trial was toggled on, but the “Am I FLoCed?” website says that FLoC is not enabled.

Of all the movies I saw at a second-run theater to get out of my un-air-conditioned apartment in the middle of a heat wave, Reindeer Games was certainly one of them.

Saw this one just today:

I was thinking of David Tennant making sonic screwdriver sounds while filming Doctor Who, but same idea. 

What if the greatest Byzantine general was more like a scrotum?

I watched Strange Days that night. Because it was set on 12/31/1999.

Reminds me of a movie I saw part of on TV years ago where time travelers from the future were recruiting people from airplanes that were about to crash in order to do [something?] in the future. It may have Millennium.

How lazy do you have to be to leave your corporate shenanigans company named “newco”? That’s barely even trying. 

This Supernatural prequel suuuuucks

There was a short called “All Hail The King” from 7 years ago that kind of bridges that gap.

This does not appear to be good for health.

At last Marvel is reckoning with the power of the Tennessee Valley Authority.