John Robie

Joel was on the MST3K Twitch channel just last week for a watch-along of Delta Knights with cast including Mary Jo Pehl, and Felicia Day.

Seems weird that Goodyear would have been okay with the use of their brand for this.

As a non-football fan, this is literally the only Superbowl I can name both teams from.

I didn’t watch Silicon Valley, and thought this guy being a creep was already well-known. I only just now realized that this was a different creep from Silicon Valley.

...And Uncle Ben, was the rule. 

Release the butthole cut, cowards.

My main takeaway from the theatrical release of this movie was that I really wanted this movie to be about Ghassan Massoud’s Saladin.

Does the late-80s/early 90's Superboy syndicated series not count because it’s Superboy not Superman? I haven’t seen it since it aired, but I enjoyed it at the time. 

Why does every city have a train station called Union Station?

I’ve only seen clips of this weird-ass show but: are people actually singing inside those mascot costumes?

Release the Snyder Cut of Tom and Jerry, you cowards. 

I suppose a growing market for collector shoes that are never intended to be worn would naturally lead to shoes that can’t actually be worn.

If your sauna doesn’t have “infrared” it’s just a closet.

WTF are “ratings?”

This armor did appear briefly at the end of Ultimates 2, when Tony took it into space to get his Iron Man battlestation. They even kind of dunked on it in the comic though.

I appreciate this is probably an unpopular opinion, but I thought this movie’s look was really ugly - like everyone and everything in it had been dipped in motor oil.

I don’t know how to take a non-Belgian Raiden seriously. 

Lightsaber Yoda felt like such a desperate pander. Like Lucasfilm knew things weren’t going well and were like “Here’s Yoda! C’mon, you guys still like your old buddy Yoda right?!!”

And also they went ninja, went ninja, went.

In the thumbnail, Leslie Mann in period attire looks enough like Elizabeth Olsen that I thought this was a Wandavision scenario.