John Robie

I’m sorry, could you please rephrase that as the “Inane-Chatter-From-Idiots-On-Twitter-Disguised-As-An-Article Challenge” and get some influencers to post about it? 

Never lock up your dick wolf, it might create one of the longest running franchises in cop show history.

It’s my understanding that she went by “Annie” back in high school when she dated Elliot Kalan from  The Flop House.

At first, I legitimately thought that the people hating on her were doing some kind of bit. Because she just seemed so earnest - it was like hating a puppy.

Back when Top Gear was on, he came back several times to defend his “Star in a reasonably priced car” speed record.  He did not wear the hat. 

While there’s plenty that’s enraging or despicable, one of the more irritating things about the anti-mask loonies is how they’ve latched onto “peaceful protest” as magic words for their infection parties.

The weirdest thing about the whole JKR ark is that all she ever had to do was nothing. She could have done nothing and carried on being untouchably wealthy and (improperly as it turns out) beloved. And she couldn’t manage to do it.

Harry Melling already played Shkreli in the Old Guard.

Well of course this was going to be disappointing. That’s why they need to release the Snyder Cut of Wonder Woman 1984! 

“Remember that turd Joss Whedon didn’t  manage to polish? Well what if there was even more turd?”

The show would have been a hit if they’d kept the same color palate and tone, but had Damon Helstrom in his shirtless+cape+trident comics ensemble.

I recall my disappointment in learning that FTW did not mean “fuck the world”

Yeah some of this may be good, some will be bad, but taken together it just sounds exhausting. 

Everybody’s saying Spider-verse, but three different Spider-mens of three different ages?  I’m holding out for fan favorite storyline: The Clone Saga. 

Legendary vs Warners. If only they could both lose.  

I haven’t thought of it in decades, but I definitely remember this rhyme from elementary school (though it was “Cantonese” rather than “dirty knees” in my particular corner of the US). In a way it’s kind of amazing that it is known worldwide.

My impression is that he wasn’t all that ready to grab the kid and drop him with Ahsoka - he thought it was his duty, and he was finding it increasingly difficult as the prospect of separation neared. At the end he told the sleeping kid “Wake up, it’s time to say goodbye,” and then sat down next to him instead. When

As a kid, and for years afterwards I’d thought that was what they’d actually done, and thought it was a pretty classy move.  

I... guess? And if all the travelers who don’t fit into that relatively small subset you describe were to stay home, it would allow people who - for whatever reason - need to travel to do so more safely.  

Until they greenlight Zack Snyder Murders the DC Animated Universe, there’s already a version of the Justice League that’s good enough for me .