
I’m surprised pre-sales are that high already. I just checked fandango and there’s tons of seats available in Portland.

There’s no conceivable cause of action here. There’s no cause of action for causing offense. There’s no cause of action for using slurs, except in an employment context. And if there were facts to support a cause of action, the wording of an apology wouldn’t matter. (E.g., if there was also enough to support

The fiction that you can pay these things back is foundational to our legal system. I would go so far as to say it’s an important part of society itself: wrongdoers owe a debt, and that debt is payable, even though (in the case of murder) the payment may be death.

Then our options are to either act as if that satisfies the perpetrator’s debt or build a time machine. (Collaterally, there should be more support than there generally is for victims, but that’s orthogonal to how a wrongdoer can undo the harms of his actions).

If it’s a tort, you give the victim money. If it’s a crime, you spend some period of time in confinement/ probation.

Hazy, equivocal answers won’t cut it, but hazy, equivocal allegations will.

How many camel handlers are there in London?

I can see why the far right would lose it over Oprah. She went out there and gave a speech that showed a firm grasp on policy and presented a coherent, inspiring, leftist vision of the world. I almost cried when she talked about Medicare for all and finally withdrawing US troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Did she call for single payer healthcare in her speech? Or a higher minimum wage or UBI? Or union rights? Or ending any of our half dozen wars? Or doing anything about our unsustainably increasing inequality?

Even their ads for shitty movies are fun. Amazing Spider-Man 2 as a miller boyett sitcom has more style and flair than the movie itself.

I want more satire. The world is so absurd that I literally don’t know how to live without satire and other art / writing that mocks it. Give me mockery or give me death.

The people delivering misinformation maliciously aren’t going to bear the onus of not doing exactly what they’re trying to do. Adopting your rule as a social norm would punish satirists and benefit liars.

This is dumb. I don’t want to live in a world where satire is limited to only what the dumbest motherfuckers alive won’t fall for. We shouldn’t ban mirrors either, no matter how angry Garland and Manjoo get about their twins.

Do any of their employees have checking accounts?

I haven’t been following this super closely, but I remember there being a DOJ memo saying that they wouldn’t go after banks for doing business with weed shops. I don’t know if any banks relied on said memo.

Between this and concealed carry reciprocity I’m beginning to think that they weren’t totally sincere about states’ rights and a small federal government.

DOJ could crack down on one bank and it would have a huge effect on recreational weed stores. Federal law enforcement is pretty much only limited by the number of agents it employs.

But there was also an abandoned part of that plot line where the actual CIA Chief was cool with it and just wanted him to cover it up. In the end, she covers up for Frank in order to cover up CIA malfeasance.

The show doesn’t glorify violence or the military, and it requires a profound, deliberate misreading of the show to think it does. Which is why I’m baffled that someone involved with the show would support people who think it glorifies violence and the military.

1. I’m not an mensa member. Go fuck yourself.