
Detention centers are for civil detention. Generally, these aren’t robbery convicts serving a sentence for robbery.

The same lawyer brought a frivolous suit alleging basically the same facts a few years ago.

It’s not a federal standard because it generally doesn’t involve interstate commerce.

So he maybe paid with a sacagawea coin, but maybe he didn’t?

To be fair, I should note that I stopped at last three presidents because the article compared stats from 2002.

2.5 percent growth year over year is normal for a lot of industries.

They still haven’t run away?

Even in the woke states, most of the counties are politically the same as or worse than southern states. Conversely, the red states are full of blue (and black) dots.

Unless you also supported invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, you are definitely more wise than Condi Rice.

Morning Joe was totally in the tank for Trump during the primaries. That is, msnbc was never a leftist network.

Also, studios are increasingly treating directors as basically fungible. They can still make a Queen movie without him. The best X-Men movies (Logan, First Class) were made without him. Fox will be fine without him.

The only victim to come forward had significant credibility problems, including having stated under oath facts that contradicted things he stated in the complaint which led to the suit being dismissed.

There are rumors about Singer. He gave Fox a non-rumor excuse to fire them. This is totally reasonable on Fox’s part, regardless of whether it thinks any corroborated allegation will come out. The risk that corroborated allegation might come out is high enough to fire Singer.

Women in leadership roles in England are frequently deranged conservatives who feed off the blood of the poor and the foreigner. If anything, Doctor Who is too left wing for a woman in power, if the models for woman in power are Thatcher and May.

Most of Doctor Who’s history has consisted of people imprinting themselves on other people’s work and undoing established continuity. This isn’t pro- or anti-Moffat. He’s had some good episodes and some bad ones. But the idea that Doctor Who is some sacred that shouldn’t be changed or retconned is absurd and is

He isn’t still the showrunner and the new doctor is a woman, so who cares?

1.) For artistic and storytelling reasons, there’s no benefit to the X-Men and Avengers being together. The best X-Men stories ignore the avengers, and vice-versa. Would Claremont’s Days of Future Past have been better with an additional issue of backstory explaining why the avengers didn’t stop the sentinels? No.

Both “pleaded” and “pled” are widely used.

Assuming his lawyer actually did this, he’s the most incompetent jackass ever admitted to the bar. It reflects poorly on every NY-admitted lawyer. He should be disbarred and then rebarred, by which I mean beaten with rebar for his incompetence.

If he didn’t do this, and he’s playing along with it because of Trump’s

This points to a pretty major problem with Season 2. Everything in season 1 points to the connection between Eleven and the Demogorgon. It’s given away in the very first episode even when one of the kids references the Dark Phoenix saga in X-Men. Both the demogorgon and Eleven move through the upside down. Only Eleven