
I was hoping that the switch to Kinja would have at least got rid of the million lazy Emma stone jokes that happen every time there’s a story about this. I was wrong. Kinja has no silver lining.

The Humpty Dance, with its weird self-deprecating humor, is clearly meant as a parody of the boastful songs that dominated early hip-hop. Because it satirizes and undercuts rap machismo, it’s at least partially amenable to a woke reading in that all those other men singing about their sexual conquests are subjected to

Try finding a handsome picture of Keillor.

The bits from Wakanda remind of the miniseries “See Wakanda and Die,” which was definitely the best (maybe the only good) part of Secret Invasion. If you can, you should track it down and read/see T’Challa murder a ton of skrulls.

It’s right there in the title. Runaways.

Whaddaya need, a roadmap?

It would be super hypocritical of comic book fans to punish someone just for having an alter ego.

The regular King Lear is also populated by morons.

I feel like you should know whether you groped women. Unless you’re habitually drunk or high this shouldn’t be a high bar to clear.

It is possible to deserve both contempt and pity.

I’m looking forward to spider-verse, featuring Spider-Ham, alter ego of Peter Porker.

I can’t understand why you would only want to understand things or people that add value to society, or why you conflate understanding with sympathy.

In which case, since they’re going to magically disappear in another 50 years, what’s the harm in understanding them?

I have not seen any evidence that we understand them enough to fight them effectively. If so, the president would not be a white nationalist. The senate would not be majority white nationalist. The house would not be majority white nationalist. Almost two thirds of state governments would not be majority white

What humanizes them is the fact they are human. That doesn’t make them less morally repugnant. Being human is what makes them immoral. Since animals aren’t moral or immoral, you have to humanize them to make any sort of moral judgment at all.

Do scientists who research cancer normalize cancer? Do paleontologists

When your son gets sick do you tell the pediatrician to go fuck himsef instead of trying to diagnose the illness?

I hope the Heyer family doesn’t waste time and money on a lawsuit that they will lose.

Understanding is important. Treating Nazism as a mystical, ineffable, inexplicable phenomenon doesn’t do anyone any good.

They’re expecting it will be too soon to release about extinction after the nuclear war that will happen in early January.

He did not get consent for any of those eggs.

Yes, either through FCC rule making or by an act of congress.