
I think one can and should distinguish levels of wrongdoing and think seriously about the credibility of the allegations.

I’ve never watched a streaming show and said to myself “man, it would be great if the plot was more drawn out.” But I’m mostly thinking of Netflix shows that dump all the episodes at once.

It’s all he ever had.

I have worked a back of house job. I have also delivered pizza. I still had to take a lot of loans to pay for school because I don’t live in the 1950s.

These fucking tech dicks should all be thrown in the bay and fed to the crabs. What sort of parasitic, useless prick do you have to be to think the problem with tipping is principally that it’s an inefficient means of rating your server instead of it being a shitty way to earn a living?

Then they fucking know better.

Obviously, if they had a moral compass, Trump would never have been the nominee.

I used to think that the typical Republican voter and maybe even the typical Republican politician actually believed that tax cuts that chiefly benefited the wealthy would help everyone. I thought they were wrong, but I thought they had a

Arrested Development already has a strict “No Touching” policy.

Median income is $59,000. Winning $1M is worth about 17 years of wages. That’s a little less than half the time span of a career. And because the tax system is still nominally progressive, a million all at once is less valuable than a million over 17 years

Beer and liquor prices are probably pretty sticky. And most liquor is distributed by like 4 companies, with minimal incentive to compete on price.

Paying off your house and putting wo kids through college debt-free is absolutely life changing for nearly all middle class households, dipshit.

TRUE ORIGINAL BARBECUE is in a pit. GTFOH with that modernist smoker bullshit.

No, liquid smoke is definitely an inferior substitute for the real thing. The big problem with liquid smoke is that you don’t get any crust and it only gets the water soluble flavors from smoke, so it’s not as complex as the real thing. Sous vide and then finishing in a smoker or grill to get a crust and some smoke is

If you think sous vide ribs are gloopy, I don’t think you’ve actually made sous vide ribs.

We already know that Trump’s campaign manager and security advisor were literally foreign agents, on foreign governments’ payrolls. They have admitted it. Everyone knows, and not one Trumpist cares.

At least ten democrats would not vote to impeach. “Blah blah we need to reach across the aisle and see both sides and come together. There’s only purple America!”

If you really want to knock those Sous vide ribs out of the park, add a little oyster sauce or fish sauce.

It’s really barbecue if it’s not cooked in a pit that you dug out of the red clay.

As if they’ve been visited by some sort of Exterminating Angel.

Then maybe the DNC should stop worrying about flipping republicans on blue states, since midwestern votes count more.