
Paying off your house and putting wo kids through college debt-free is absolutely life changing for nearly all middle class households, dipshit.

TRUE ORIGINAL BARBECUE is in a pit. GTFOH with that modernist smoker bullshit.

No, liquid smoke is definitely an inferior substitute for the real thing. The big problem with liquid smoke is that you don’t get any crust and it only gets the water soluble flavors from smoke, so it’s not as complex as the real thing. Sous vide and then finishing in a smoker or grill to get a crust and some smoke is

If you think sous vide ribs are gloopy, I don’t think you’ve actually made sous vide ribs.

We already know that Trump’s campaign manager and security advisor were literally foreign agents, on foreign governments’ payrolls. They have admitted it. Everyone knows, and not one Trumpist cares.

At least ten democrats would not vote to impeach. “Blah blah we need to reach across the aisle and see both sides and come together. There’s only purple America!”

If you really want to knock those Sous vide ribs out of the park, add a little oyster sauce or fish sauce.

It’s really barbecue if it’s not cooked in a pit that you dug out of the red clay.

As if they’ve been visited by some sort of Exterminating Angel.

Then maybe the DNC should stop worrying about flipping republicans on blue states, since midwestern votes count more.

They want to sell like 40 million tickets. A few thousand or tens of thousands of vocal darkseid fans on the internet doesn’t translate into 40 million Americans that want to see Granny Goodness on the big screen.

In every election since 2000, the GOP has gotten between 45 and 49 percent of the vote. Trump got about 47 percent.

I voted for Hillary, and I almost regret that decision now because the establishment wing of the party seems to think they can just keep on choosing centrists with absolutely terrible records on war and mass incarceration. Running a shitty centrist helped get Trump elected. It will help get him re-elected too.

I too would fall over myself to vote for The Onion’s Joe Biden.

No one gives a fuck about winning republican voters. They wouldn’t switch for “grab em by the pussy.” Democrats need to tell these mythical moderate republicans to go fuck themselves and worry about youth and minority turnout instead.

Indeed. And anyone who gets intoxicated at all or experiences any memory loss must have passed out.

1.) “Lewd behavior” is not sexual assault.

I’m reasonably well educated. I went to a decent undergrad university and a pretty good law school.

You have a ton more faith in memory than you should.

Fair enough.